Acrylic Fiberglass Tub Care and Maintenance

This appears to be a PERFECT product to repair acrylic and fiberglass tubs. When you read the product description, you'll agree. I'd absolutely try this one first. CLICK THE IMAGE TO ORDER IT NOW.
Acrylic Fiberglass Tub Care TIPS
- Never use an abrasive cleaner on acrylic or fiberglass - READ the label
- Use approved cleaners - CLICK HERE for a great one
- Rinse dirt and grit from tub before scrubbing
- Use approved polishes
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The care of acrylic, fiberglass and gel-coated plumbing fixtures is not difficult. The thing that causes the most problems is that people do not clean soon enough.
Often a person will wait until a heavy soap buildup or mineral deposit has occurred. When this happens, cleaning with the recommended cleaners becomes a difficult, if not impossible, task.
Related Links
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One of the biggest issues is impatience. People want instant results and they act on impulse. They'll grab just about any cleaner and start to work. Make a mistake and you can permanently scratch your acrylic or fiberglass tub.
CLICK HERE to get FREE & FAST BIDS from local cleaners that will clean and polish your tub.
Some very popular major brand cleaners contain abrasives. These will scratch your tub. You must read the label. It's often in fine print about the abrasives!

Stain Solver is MADE in the USA with USA ingredients that are food-grade quality. CLICK THE IMAGE to order some NOW.
A Safe Organic Cleaner!
To safely remove soap scum, body oils, mildew and other grim, I recommend Stain Solver. Stain Solver is a certified organic oxygen bleach Made in the USA with USA ingredients. It's a pure powder you mix with hot tap water.
It takes just a minute or two of stirring to dissolve the powder. Once dissolved, you add this to a spray bottle and spritz the surfaces of the acrylic, fiberglass, or gel-coated fixture. Keep the surface wet with the solution for about fifteen minutes. The longer you allow the Stain Solver to work, the less you have to scrub.
Use a new 3M Dobie pad to clean the surfaces. Be careful about what you use to clean with because some scouring pads can scratch the finish!
Clean the Tub Weekly
The solution for a gleaming tub is really very simple. Why not decide to clean the tub or shower area every other Saturday (or other "off" day) while you are showering? Make it a routine item on your to-do list.
If you commit to this, you will find that it takes no more than 3 - 5 minutes to completely clean a tub or shower area. The reason tubs and showers are HARD to clean is because you may wait too long to do it.
Here's a great cleaner and polish that you should try as soon as possible. Click the image and order some immediately.
Acrylic Fiberglass Tub Repair Videos
Watch these videos. You can do your own acrylic fiberglass tub care and repair.
Repairing Scratches and Nicks
If you get a deep scratch, a nick or a divot in your acrylic or fiberglass tub it can often be repaired. There are professionals who do this and there are DIY products.
CLICK HERE to get FREE & FAST BIDS from professionals who can repair tile, acrylic and fiberglass.
Here are some common DIY repair kits:
CLICK HERE to get FREE & FAST BIDS from local cleaners that will clean and polish your tub.
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