How to Glue Rocks Rock Epoxy and Rock Sculptures

Glue Rocks Together | It's easy to bond rock together using this great epoxy! Photo credit: My man Maurizio Magnani
Glue Rocks Together - Use Magic Epoxy Below
Quick Column Summary:
- Stacked rock sculpture
- What is the bonding material
- Use a rock/masonry epoxy
Maurizio Magnani was perplexed after visiting a public park in Duarte, CA. Here's what he wrote to me:
"I would like to build a river rocks assembly I saw at a nearby park. See the photo below.
The rocks are bonded together by some kind of bonding material which is placed in the back of the rocks and somewhat hidden from sight so as to give the assembly a dry stack look. I was able to reach with my finger between two stones and felt that the material was very hard and smooth because I could not scratch it.
Do you have an idea as to the kind of bonding material was used? And, by the way, it is grey in color if that might help in identifying it."
Easy! The rocks are bonded together with an epoxy. There are many different epoxies that work well for rocks and masonry. CLICK or TAP HERE or the IMAGE below to get the best one.

Glue rocks together using this affordable epoxy. I've used it with great results. CLICK on THE IMAGE TO ORDER IT NOW.
It appears the viscosity of the epoxy that was used at the park was very high having the consistency of a very thick batter like mortar.
Low viscosity epoxies will flow like maple syrup and should NOT be used.
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