AsktheBuilder Question Form
Ask Tim
Do you need help? If so, you're at the right place. Unlike other websites, I am going to answer your question.
Before you take all the time to fill out the form below, there's a VERY good chance your answer is already here on the web site.
- Please look just above for the handy Search Engine - use it to search my site
- Type in the keywords for your problem
- Click the Search button and
- Checkout the results
- Faster then waiting for a reply from AsktheBuilder - your answer in just minutes!
IMPORTANT NOTE: As you read the columns of mine that come back in the search results, be absolutely sure you pay attention to any and all ads you see. FREQUENTLY those ads are the EXACT products I use in my home and in my workshop.
If you come up empty handed after searching, you can use this form to ask me a question free of charge. You can also use this form if you want to submit a suggestion or get in touch with me.
- All submissions are reviewed each morning, Monday-Friday.
- All questions are answered on a first-come-first-served basis
- And due to the volume of questions, we are currently answering questions submitted in August 2012.
If you have an emergency or need an answer in 48 hours or less, you and I can talk on the phone together.
Do you have a new tool or product you want me to review? I have a separate submission form just for that - New Tool or Product Submission
Also, you'll find detailed answers to some of the most requested projects within our library of eBooks and Project Checklists. Save time and money with some of our new products.
And, you can join so many others and subscribe to the Free Ask the Builder Newsletter. Many have found that this FREE Newsletter has saved a ton of time, helped to discover new ways to save money and revealed many answers to their questions. It is easy and free to subscribe.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST answer all questions below BEFORE clicking the Submit button. If you don't do this, EVERYTHING you typed will be erased when the form resets.
P.S. Don't forget to check your email. Thanks for placing your trust in We value every person who visits our website, and take pride in being online continuously since December, 1995. Thank you.