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Wallpaper Tools Video

When hanging wallpaper, the right tools are essential. Get a razor knife with the type blade that snaps off. This will give you a sharp edge throughout your project. A dull blade will tear your wallpaper.

The metal knife blade is used to hold the wallpaper tight against the wall while using a knife to trim away the excess paper. This will give you a good straight cut.

A level is required to ensure that the wallpaper is hung straight. Use a long bubble level to scribe a line on the wall to align the wallpaper. A small torpedo level will be needed in the small areas about windows and doors.

The smoothing brush, or plastic smoothing tool, will remove all the bubbles from the hung paper. It also helps push down the edges of the paper. This helps to make those seams invisible.

Use a sponge to remove any excess paste from the wallpaper or surrounding areas. Rinse the sponge often and change the water frequently. Be sure there is no glue left on the paper or painted woodwork.

Other useful tools are a paint brush, paint roller and a roller pan to help apply the wallpaper paste. Or the paste activator if you are using pre-pasted wallpaper.

Be sure you have a large flat surface for working with the paper. There are special wallpaper tables or make one from a smooth sheet of plywood sitting on two garbage cans.

With the right wallpaper tools, you'll have no problem getting the results you want.


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