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July 12, 2011 AsktheBuilder Tips And Newsletter

What's in This Newsletter?

Latest News
Update on Liens and Affidavits
Another Chinese Product Problem
Please Use the AsktheBuilder Search Engine
PR, Ad or Building Products Person
Installing Ceramic Tile Trim
Checklist Sale
Stain Solver Shipping

This past Saturday I was once again up on Mt. Washington. But this time it was different. I was stationed just above the 6,000 foot elevation marker and just below the oil tanks if you know where that is. The mountain is only 6,288 feet tall.

The wind was howling with sustained speeds above 35 mph, and occasional gusts that had to be close to 50 mph. The visibility was never more than 150 feet, and most of the time, it was 30 feet. Air temp was in the upper 40's F.

I was there with my ham radio monitoring the progress of bicycle riders in the Newton's Revenge race. Riders with those thin spandex colorful pants and shirts were pedaling up that mountain. They had to be freezing. Yes, I know that they were sweating and working, but still it had to be cold for them.

No riders were hurt or crashed, but of all the ham operators, I did have the most action of the day. Two hikers came towards me like ghosts out of the mist. They told me about two other hikers in severe distress down farther on the Huntington Ravine Trail. It has the steepest and highest headwall.

Mary at net control - fancy term for the lady running the communications for the race - at the base of the mountain connected me with the Park Service that dispatched a rescue team. It's a great feeling to be able to use that small handheld radio to help people!


Update on Liens and Affidavits

I got several replies last week about my consult where I suggested that you request affidavits when paying a contractor.

First, a few thought that no contractor would ever give out affidavits. CORRECT! The Loser contractors and slime bags won't. You don't want to deal with them. The pros out there will not hesitate to provide you with affidavits. That's a fact.

Secondly, I got a great email from Justin Giles III Esq. He went into fantastic detail in a follow up email with me, but here is what his first email said:

"In Tennessee, and many other states, subs and suppliers do not have lien rights on residential projects absent direct contractual privity with the homeowner. If someone asks you this question in the future, make sure you refer them to a construction lawyer in their jurisdiction. You do not want homeowners paying subs and suppliers when they are not obligated to do so."

The bottom line is that you should absolutely contact a real estate attorney in your state and get up to speed on your stat's lien laws and what you can do to protect yourself in this complicated area. A simple one-hour consult can absolutely get you the information you need. You may also find it online, but even then I'd check with a real attorney.


Another Chinese Product Problem

Let's see here's my list so far: lead paint in kids toys, tainted dog food, toxic drywall, what else did I miss? Now we can add log splitters to the list.

My buddy Steve from Southern California sent me an alert from the Consumer Product Safety Commission about a log splitter that can malfunction causing laceration or amputation hazards.


Please Use the AsktheBuilder Search Engine

You may be one of the folks that hits the Reply button after you get this newsletter. I know, you have a burning question.

Last week about ten subscribers did that instead of just going back to my AsktheBuilder.com website. In each case, the answer they needed was right there.

Do me a HUGE favor. Please don't hit the Reply button. Just go to the website and spend some time there reading past columns and watching videos about your problem. The best part is that you'll often have your answer in minutes. You don't have to hope your email makes it to me and I'm able to answer it.


PR, Ad or Building Products Person?

Do you work in the public relations or advertising business? Or, do you work for a manufacturer that produces building products or tools?

If so, I need you click the Reply button! But do this. Change the Subject Line to: Tim's White Paper and in the body tell me you want a copy of my latest project.

I'm planning on completing, in the next few days, a white paper that gives you a look at the rapidly changing publishing industry with respect to websites and blogs. You'll be amazed at some of the data and case studies that will be shown in the treatise.

If you're trying to reach consumers with your message, I suggest you read this white paper.

Also, if you have any contacts with organizers of PR or Ad Conferences, I'd love to talk with them about creating a panel discussion about this topic at the next gathering.


Installing Ceramic Tile Trim

Merrilyn Mattson from Loveland, CO wrote to me:

"I just laid ceramic tile in a bathroom and I want to put ceramic trim around the edges on the wall. Do I line the trim with the floor tiles, or do I stagger them?"

Great question! If you have the luxury of seeing tile jobs installed by master tile setters about 70 or even 100 years ago, you'd see that they don't stagger them.

Now, that assumes the tile was laid parallel with the walls and the base or trim tile is the exact same dimension as the floor tile. If you lay the floor tile at a diagonal, you can't line up the grout joints.


Checklist Sale

It's summer! Your AC unit may give up the ghost. Do you want to make sure you get the right one? You want a pro to install it?

Are you going to build a room addition because you can't get financing on a home purchase?

I'm having a monster sale on these two checklists for you. Usually they're $17 each. For the next five days they are only $7 bucks each. That's nearly a 60% discount. It's an Instant Download product. You get it minutes from now.

Wait till you see the Secret Videos in each one that shows you how easy it is to discover the professional contractor in your city or town.

This sale ENDS on Sunday July 17, 2011 at midnight. Don't procrastinate. Order them now to save sweet moola.

Here's the AC Checklist link

Here's the Room Addition link


Stain Solver Shipping

The Stain Solver Summer Sale that just ended was a huge success. It doesn't surprise me. Jaki emailed me about how the product SAVED her a boatload of money because it cleaned some old curtains that would have been expensive to replace. But I digress.

I got several comments about the Shipping Costs.

Perhaps this can help you understand why they are so high. Fuel costs, increasing government regulations and all sorts of other stuff are causing ALL shipping rates to bump up higher.

I already do whatever I can to negotiate the best rate with UPS. I'm as frustrated as you are about it. We have options you know. If you want lower shipping rates for all your online purchases, all you have to do is get involved to get energy prices down and fewer regulations. It's that easy.


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