August 8, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
If you're a NEW subscriber, this is NOT a normal newsletter. You'll get one tomorrow morning.
When a sale is about to expire, I send out these last-minute communique's.
Why? A vast majority of people are procrastinators, then they simply forget about my sale. Most are very grateful for the reminder.
This is your friendly Ask the Builder nudge to SAVE SWEET MOOLA on the BEST certified organic multi-purpose cleaner in the world:
CLICK or TAP HERE to see how it works.
CLICK or TAP HERE now to save the BIG GREEN on your favorite size of my Stain Solver.
The sale ends tomorrow at midnight. Period. (Sunday, August 9, 2020 @ midnight)
I've got lots of good information for you tomorrow, plus a new quiz to keep your tiny gray cells in great shape.
Tim Carter
Founder -
Co-Founder -