AsktheBuilder mp3 Radio Show June 18 2005
Summary: Today's show introduces Tim's Garden Shed project, along with some Sears tools and metal pegboard manufacturers. Caller questions on tar and chip driveways, shed vapor retarders, cutting Plexiglas and installing ceramic tile on unheated wood are answered. |
Each title below is a direct link to a downloadable mp3 file. Just click the title if you want to listen. Right click if you want to download into your computer to save and play at a later date.
The Copyright to all radio segments is owned by Tim Carter. I would love to know what you think of these radio segments. Do you like them? Do they help you? Have they saved you money and/or time? Let me know by sending me an email: [email protected]
Sears Multiplying Racheting Screwdriver
Crystal - Tar and Chip Driveways