Ask Tim

Ask Tim a Question

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I'm a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in all aspects of home building, remodeling, plumbing, etc. I've done expert witness work in home improvement cases for over 20 years. My last case had me crawling over the Brazilian Ambassador's home on the Caribbean island of Antigua.

If I can help him, then I'm pretty sure I can help you!

Fill out the form below to ask a question.

Complex Questions Require Long Answers

You may have a complex situation. I may have to ask you questions. An answer might require me to type thousands of words. I know from experience you'll have follow-up questions.

In situations like this, I charge a very small fee to get you out of trouble or PREVENT future trouble. I can give you an answer in HOURS - one that could save you $1,000, or more.

I GUARANTEE satisfaction or else my answer is FREE.

satisfaction guaranteed logo

When you need advice from your doctor, attorney, CPA, or dentist, you pay them.

They're all pros and so am I.

NO OTHER home improvement site I know of offers this personalized emergency phone-call service

Carla needed a fast answer before making an offer to buy a house with this water leak:

water leak exterior wall floor stain

She got her answer in just hours. It saved her $50,000.

Do you have an EMERGENCY? Allow me to help you and give you great peace of mind.

I can:


You can fill out the form below and be very patient.

CLICK HERE for VIP Fast Answer Information and Cost.

If you decide to wait for an answer, please do these two things:


STEP 1: While not required, but encouraged, please take a few high-resolution photos of your problem and use the buttons below to send them to me. The photos allow me to solve the problem faster.

STEP 2: Fill out the form below.

GDPR Notice: The data collected in the below form is being used by me so I can understand who you are and what the problem is at your house. By filling out the below form, you opt-in or CONSENT to the obnoxious European General Data Protection Regulation. Can you believe European Overlord Politicians are claiming THEIR LAWS apply to you here in the USA? It's complete Bull CRAP. If given the chance, I'd chase these idiots to the Gates of Hell.

I suggest you review the Ask the Builder Privacy Policy.

Your Real Name:
Enter your email address below. Be sure to check for accuracy. If your email is not correct, we can't reply back to you!


The city and state where you live helps me know the climate/conditions in your area.


City and State:
Please type your question in the box below. Be sure to include enough details to fully describe your problem or question.


Your Question:
Use this to send me a photo or image
Use this button to upload a SECOND photo
Use this button if you want to upload a THIRD photo.
Since I will be helping you by answering your question, it would help me to know your age.


Your Age: 18-26 (Rare)
27-35 (Medium-rare)
36-45 (Medium)
46-54 (Medium-well)
55-65 (Well-done)
65-75 (Extra Crispy)
75+ (Burnt Cinder)
To Submit your question to me, I need you to agree to my Terms and Conditions.


My Agreement: I agree.
I agree, and thanks for an answer
I agree and want a VIP Fast Answer. Will you give me the link again?
I agree and wonder if you can call me on the phone. If you offer that service, give me the link. Thanks

P.S.: After you click the Submit Form button, please go check your email. I want to thank you for your trust in me and I value your visit here to my website and I'll do my best to help you solve your problem. I've been solving homeowner problems continuously here online since October, 1995. Thank you.