August 9, 2009 AsktheBuilder News And Tips
What's in This Issue?
Tape Measure Errors
Chicago Trip
Stain Solver Sale
Friendly Question Reminder!
If you have a question for me, don't hit the Reply button just yet. Go immediately to my web site and type in the keywords about your problem into my Search engine. The search box is at the top of every page of my web site. You could have your answer in seconds if you do this! Please pay attention to all links you see at my web site. The exact products and services you often need are right in front of you, and you might be ignoring them. Never forget that all past issues of my Newsletters can be found at my website.
Howdy! This is a quickie newsletter. I usually don't send them on a Sunday, but I had some news and wanted to alert you about the expiring super promo code for Stain Solver.
Tape Measure Errors
For the past few days, I've been installing ceramic wall tile with very narrow 1/16th-inch grout lines. This means your tolerance for cutting errors is half that! All of a sudden my cuts were off, some by a monster 1/8th inch. I knew I had marked the tile correctly.
Low and behold, I discovered that the hook end of my tape had some grit in it and was not sliding. What? You didn't realize that the 90-degree bend at the end of a tape measure moves? You bet it does! What's more, high-quality tapes do this reliably for years if you keep them clean.

Hook end of a tape measure must be kept clean!
The reason this part moves is to account for the thickness of the metal on the hook end when you're taking an inside measurement between two points. Think about that. When you take an inside measurement, you're compressing the tape. When you then stretch the tape out on a board you do the opposite. If the hook end didn't slide that little bit when you stretch it, your measurement will be off a 1/16th inch. This is what was happening to me.
Oh, one more thing. Before you use a tape measure for accurate work, look at the hook end to be sure it's not bent. That can happen if you drop a tape measure. That bend in the hook will really mess up your measurements, especially if you're working with another helper who is feeding you dimensions. His tape may be accurate, but your tape could be off 1/4 inch or more because of the bent hook.
Chicago Wednesday August 12th
I'll be in Chicago on business this coming Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to chat for a little bit over some liquid refreshment, we can do it at the hotel lounge in the Hyatt on Wacker Drive. Email me if this is of interest to you.
Stain Solver Event Over in Less Than 48 Hours!
If you want to save huge money on my Stain Solver, you have less than 48 hours. The promo code for the 25 percent price reduction expires Monday, August 10th at midnight.
Stain Solver is a great wood cleaner and it does magic on tile grout. It gets stains out of clothes and anything that's water washable. It's one of the best green cleaners, as it does all it's cleaning with oxygen ions.
Here's the code: 25sale (expired on August 10, 2009)
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