If you're a new subscriber in the past two or three weeks, I need to WARN you. This is by no means a normal AsktheBuilder.com newsletter. If you're a seasoned subscriber, I believe you'll appreciate this issue. A Strange Three Weeks I can't quite put my finger on it, but several non-connected events have caused […]
Two days from now I'll be in the Big D. Dallas, Texas I'm there as a guest of Honeywell. They want me to look at some of their newest home comfort and technology products. I promise to take great photos and come back with a full report on what I saw. COME TO THE MEET […]
This is my favorite time of year. The eye candy around me is beyond belief. Autumn in the Northeast United States, I'm told, is like no other place on the planet. I believe I've heard there's a part of Japan that gets the same vibrant color. If so, those people are lucky, very lucky. This […]
If you're a new subscriber this is a special ALERT broadcast. I send these out when something serious needs to be discussed. Hurricane Matthew is going to hit the USA. It's going to be very bad. I sent out a very similar ALERT several years back when Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, New York and […]
I'm back home from a solid week of travel on business. The first part of last week was the first-ever STIHL Editors Conference. I've attended countless events like this where manufacturers ply their new wares to the media. I was on the fence about going, but I have to tell you that STIHL was the […]
Yesterday I was traveling from New Hampshire to Norfolk, Virginia to attend the STIHL editors conference. Amber Kennedy, the PR person representing STIHL, told me there'd be six new magic tools being unveiled. That's got my attention for a brand I've used and respected for over forty years! On the plane from NH to Baltimore, […]
I sent out a newsletter this morning and it had my latest FUN Quiz in it. It's about Encapsulation. What's that? You'll soon find out. Guess what? I GOOFED UP a setting in the form!!! I had a box checked that required you to have a Google account to be able to take the quiz. […]
Happy Tuesday if you're on my side of the International Date Line. I'm sure I'm going to hear about that statement. 😉 A week from today I'll be in Norfolk, VA attending a special editors event for STIHL. I decided to attend only because they have a special announcement about five or six new SECRET […]
It's Friday morning here in the USA, and it's a magnificent autumn day. I wish I could go out for a hike, but I'm lucky to get some help today from a friend to help finish the HUGE Trex Transcend deck project of mine. I'll be taping a few videos today of stuff you need […]
My favorite season of the year is creeping into New England. Fall. Crisp mornings, the sky so blue it makes your eyes hurt, lake water that looks like someone dumped millions of gallons of blue dye into it, and of course the tree leaves. I'll be out trying to get some great photos for you […]