If you're a new subscriber, this is going to be a pretty strange newsletter. Heck, if you're one of my FIRST subscribers, I'll bet you never remember a newsletter much like this one! You may be one who's been BEGGING me to have a Giant Sale. That's what this issue is about. I've got some […]
There seems to be some confusion about the new water heater rules. It pertains to both electric and gas heaters. It depends on the size of the heater. After April 16, 2015, manufacturers can no longer make the old style heaters. They can sell all the OLDER technology ones until they run out. The new […]
February 2015 is almost in the record books. Time is flying. I went on a short hike two days ago on a snowmobile trail with a buddy of mine. It was a sunny day with the temperature about 32 F. When standing in direct sunlight, it felt like 65 F after the past month! Spring […]
I was up 90 minutes before sunrise today. Ideas were bursting out of my head. It was minus 14 below ZERO, so I started a nice fire in my office fireplace. Spring is coming soon, and I've still got a boatload of wonderful seasoned oak firewood, so I figured I might as well enjoy it. […]
I've got a couple of things for you today. Actually more than a couple. The first is a reminder about ads you see at AsktheBuilder.com. I made some sweeping changes yesterday at my website in an effort to help save you time and money. I've done just about everything possible to make sure that ads […]
Last week, we had a little fun with the Limestone Wall game. You had to guess the decade when you thought it was built. I'm extending the game another week because you may be one who emailed me saying it was FUN and you want more games like it. As the week went on, I […]
It's been ten days since my kidney stone surgery. All is well! Without going into too much detail, my NH urologist inserted a scope through my you-don't-want-to-know-where and traveled up the tiny fragile pipe that connects my left kidney to my bladder. There he found a stricture, a clog, that was blocking the tiny pipe. […]
First, the blizzard was a bust here at my house. At dawn on Wednesday, maybe I had 6 inches of snow. There were parts of New England that got hammered, but not me. Yesterday, I was at the hospital for a pre-surgery appointment. Monday I'm getting scoped again in an effort to try to blast […]
You never know who you're talking to when you strike up a conversation with a stranger. Last week, I was standing up on the mezzanine looking down on gates A4 - A5 at the Baltimore, MD International Airport. "Do you think it's going to leave on time?" a total stranger asked me. "Well, if you're […]
There is so much happening with news and tips, I feel I could actually send you something each day that would save you time and money! It may come to that in the future - a short blast, but for now, let's try to stay with just two or three things a week. Special SHOUT […]