About five hours ago (January 20, 2015), I sent today's newsletter out. It had many links leading back to my AsktheBuilder.com website. Approximately three minutes after sending the newsletter out, my server BORKED out. That means it crashed or became unresponsive. You may have been one to alert me. I appreciate that. Moments before sending […]
Have you seen the new buttons here in the newsletter? They're different colors and have different messages. Pay attention to them from now on. Craig McCluskey sent me an email last night about one of them and it made me laugh out loud. Here's what he sent: "I clicked your colored button that said: 'What's […]
You may be one of my loyal subscribers who's told me how much you appreciate the short Sunday emails, especially ones with new products. I've got some great ones for you today. But first, I want you to see what I saw yesterday. CLICK HERE for a BIGGER photo with more detail and the story […]
As you might expect, the Sunday eBlast about the GAF shingle class action lawsuit got some attention. CLICK HERE to get all your questions answered about this serious matter. I'll do my best in the future to keep you up to date on this and other home improvement class action suits. I want to Thank […]
It's Sunday and I'm not taking a break from work because there's much to do. READ THE WORDING IN RED at the bottom of this announcement even if you do NOT have an interest in this lawsuit. It's hard to keep up with the constant inflow of information and this just caught my eye. GAF, […]
Friday Weekend Warrior AsktheBuilder Tips are supposed to be SHORT. But not this week. Bitter cold has invaded the USA the past few days. Your home may be cold no matter how high you turn up your thermostat. Here's why. Furnaces and AC units are like shoes. They come in different sizes. You need to […]
Happy New Year! 2015 is already six days old! I've got every reason to believe that this year is going to be a fantastic one for you and me. I'm going to do my best to deliver to you news, tips and great new product information so you can save sweet moola and time. Here's […]
I know I said that you'd not hear from me until after New Years Day, but you may have been one who begged me to show you photos of what it looks like outside my home at Christmas. CLICK HERE to see what Mother Nature can do when she's motivated. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you! If […]
First and foremost - Merry Christmas! If you celebrate this time of year and use a different name for it, then I wish you blessings and peace as well. I want to thank you for a great 2014 and I look forward to a grand 2015. The next week will find me close to my […]
We're just eight days away from Christmas now. I hope you're getting ready at your home. Yesterday, we finally put up our tree. We cut it down from a local grower on Sunday afternoon. Kathy and I love supporting local businesses when we can. I've got a link to a short video below that might […]