I've been trying to make the Friday Weekend Warrior eBlasts short, but it's getting harder to do because there's so much stuff to share! I'll just try to be more succinct in my writing! Weekend Warrior Tip: Condensation Problems The foam insulation condensation dilemma of Basil's that I mentioned on Tuesday generated LOTS of comments […]
I intended to get this newsletter out to you sooner today, but I’ve been dealing with a completely BORKED (dead, keeps crashing, melts down, etc.) new Nexus 4 cell phone. I spent hours following all the instructions online to clear the cache, take it back to factory settings and even do a hard reboot from […]
Happy Sunday! If you're a new subscriber, this is NOT a normal newsletter. With Christmas getting closer, I tone back the home improvement advice and try to have some fun. On Friday I promised you a quick e-blast for today that will have some gift ideas and I've got a fun brain teaser for you […]
If you're a new subscriber, I send out a SHORT blast on Fridays. This is it, but because we're getting close to Christmas, it's light on home improvement tips and HEAVY on fun. Where's the Challenge Tim? Were you one who emailed me on Tuesday and Wednesday after I talked about the Wall Control pegboard? […]
We're looking down a double-barreled shotgun at Christmas. That can be both good and bad. The Christmas season adds another layer of stress that takes some to the edge of their sanity. CLICK HERE to view my video overview of this newsletter and for a special message. For that reason, I've decided the rest of […]
Are you a new subscriber? This is NOT a normal newsletter. You'll see one on Tuesday. It's the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I didn't send out a newsletter on Tuesday because of the madness of the holiday. Everyone here at my house was busy getting our home ready for the holiday feast. We hosted dinner for […]
New subscriber in the past few days? This is NOT a normal newsletter. I send out reminders when special offers are about to expire. Today is one of those days. You have just HOURS to play the Duluth Trading game. You could be one of THREE winners that gets FREE CLOTHES. Game ends midnight EST, […]
I'll try to make this as fast as possible, but there's so much to share. ACCCCKKKK! First, guess what arrived at my home JUST AFTER I sent out the Tuesday newsletter? An amazing long-sleeved pull-over shirt I ordered from Duluth Trading. OMG is it comfortable! I'm going to order a second one for sure and […]
Christmas is coming. It's like the whistle on an approaching train. You can hear it before you see it. I've got a bunch of great gift ideas for you this week buried within the newsletter. Some of the BEST ones, believe it or not, are about clothes. I believe I've finally discovered the Holy Grail […]