I'm getting ready to blast out of town to the west coast to attend a wedding and I need your help. I want to help you with the issues around your home, but to do it I need great photos of what's wrong. I get lots of questions at the Ask Tim part of my […]
I've been really busy the past three days. I'm getting ready for the huge upcoming game and contest for you where you may be the person that wins the $1,000 grand prize! More on that on Tuesday. To get ready for the contest, I had to paint some bold colors on an exterior Therma-Tru fiberglass […]
In less than two weeks, you're going to have a chance to win huge money. If you're a new or newer subscriber to this newsletter, I ran a survey months ago asking "What prize(s) would you like to see as part of the fun games I'll be running?" Far and away the answer selected was […]
I just shot a new video this morning. The inspiration came because I changed out all the old useless fluorescent fixtures in my garage that have given me nothing but headaches for six years. I installed simple surface-mount standard bulb fixtures that I'm outfitting with LED bulbs. As I was installing the new simple fixtures, […]
Two days ago, I spent over five hours on the Conway Scenic Train. It was a spectacular bluebird day here in New Hampshire, albeit a little cold in the morning as I rode in the open car with friends and co-workers from the train I work on. This long train ride, probably 30 or more […]
I'm perched at the top of the grand staircase at the Kennett House B & B as I type this. There's a space perfect for a 4-foot round oak table and chairs. Gilja Kusano is the owner / proprietor and it's a stunning property. The house is made from solid granite and the interior chestnut […]
Are you a new subscriber in the past three days? Fridays are Weekend Warrior blasts. Very, very short, but full of info. Here goes: Carlton has a problem that you may have. His toilet wasn't flushing right. Be SURE to click the secondary link in the column about Carlton, THEN watch this video showing you […]
It's over. Summer that is. The unofficial end of summer is profound here in New Hampshire. The lake I live on is now quiet. The summer residents are abandoning the area like rats from a sinking ship. You know it's going to be winter soon when you see the first dock raised out of the […]
Say it ain't so! End of Summer? Really? Labor Day weekend? Here's a quick video for you to watch. I promised it to you this past Tuesday. I think you'll like it, especially if you have lots of painting in your immediate future! CLICK HERE for a VIDEO REVIEW of a DIY paint sprayer. Includes […]
You know that old saying about a train wreck? How someone's life is one or a situation is similar to a train wreck? Well, my last four weeks have been one! One of the firemen on the train gave his notice and all of a sudden I was working many more hours than I originally […]