In this Newsletter, electrical problems in the garage, tips on sandpaper, selecting the right circular saw blade, meeting Tim in Milwaukee, a little musical interlude, Stain Solver sale coming, how to repair a concrete driveway, and how to install a new window in a solid frame wall.
Memorial Day snow in New Hampshire, exterior patio mortar joint tip, meet me in Milwaukee, a trick for drywall finishing, sanding tools, and pre-order pricing on the New Window Video Series.
In this newsletter, remembering those to gave their all on this Memorial Day weekend, a Canadian concrete block wall and the small Stain Solver sale to end soon.
In this newsletter, tips for preparing for a natural disaster, how much of a daredevil are you, a small Stain Solver sale, tip on leaking nipples at water heaters, a tool review on a small angle grinder, and a new video series on installing a new window in a frame wall.
In this newsletter, Tim shares his secret guacamole, tips on how to solder copper, a reader's email about Form Footer Forms, a funny video while watching for a break, before and after image technology, the Fryeburg, Maine Home and Garden show and a review of the Rockwell 16-volt drill/driver.
In this newsletter, my son has returned from college and I am putting him to work, win Daredevil spadebits, tips on make up and combustion air, new columns at and a great little flashlight.
In this Newsletter, spring has finally made it, upcoming series on installing a new window, water and concrete tip of the week, soldering iron tips, a free NH home improvement seminar, building a deck with Form Footer piers and Internet sales tax.
In this issue, I send out my first QSL cards, tips on LED flashlights, the Daredevil Tool contest, tips on fast and easy window cleaning, spotting bogus information, upcoming video series and more.
The recent events have triggered an urgency to get ready. You never know when some event will happen that could change your life. Now is the time to stop and think about getting prepared.
In this issue, the test results are in on the 2013 deck stain weathering test. After being exposed to the elements for nearly a year, the weathered stain covered sample boards are shown next to the control boards. The control boards were stored inside, out of the weather so you can compare the difference.