In this Newsletter, working with an excavator helped uncover rounded boulders, deck cleaning tip, glass & metal countertops, the Spring Stain Solver Sale ends at midnight, change your washing machine hoses, review my eBook, the MAC Virus alert, plumbing vent pipe video and poured vs concrete block foundations.
In this issue, showing friends around NH, the annual Spring Stain Solver Sale, new Cleaning & Sealing Your Deck eBook is released, a revised version of the Crown Molding eBook is on its way, Video of the Week on Blacktop Crack Repairs, high-performance house paint Tip of the Week, thanks for your replies, Yelp! and my Q&A of the Week on flagstone patios on crushed stone.
In this issue, spring has come and gone at the lake, deck cleaning & sealing eBook, tool review, invisible websites, tip of the week, replying to the newsletter, cell phone do-not-call list, video of the week and the Q & A of the week.
In this issue, spring fever hits, a friendly reminder, the first tool review on a Senco nailer, the new Before & After section, delays in answering questions, phone fraud that could affect you, my tip of the week and video of the week, the upcoming Stain Solver sale and the Question and Answer of the week.
In this issue, the new AsktheBuilder website is up and running, what do you think about it? I need your questions about cleaning, sealing and doing minor repairs to decks.
In this newsletter, my trip to San Francisco, and my free eBook, impact driver tools, tip of the week, an eBook survey, video of the week, a reader questions if he picked the right roofing contractor and my question of the week.
Accccckkkkkk! Boy oh boy, did my email last night create some bewilderment and discombobulation. You may have gone to Amazon and saw my How to Grout Ceramic Floor Tile eBook was not free. You possibly got a crabby look on your face and then reported back to me. Here's what happened. It's a matter of […]
This is NOT a normal newsletter in case you just subscribed in the past few days. Watch for a real newsletter on Tuesday. FREE Grouting Ceramic Tile eBook! If Amazon does it's job, starting Saturday, March 10, 2012, you can get my new Kindle eBook How to Grout Ceramic Floor Tile for FREE. But just […]
In this issue, Tim's trip to Savannah and back, lots of information and tips on decks, deck cleaning and deck sealers and one web site link regarding scale.
In this issue, writing in Okatie, SC, a quick siding survey, tip of the week, new work pants are reviewed, Google search history, wireless route privacy, New England Old House and Barn Tour and the video and Q & A of the week.