In this issue, buying a foreclosed home and getting a residential structural engineer's inspection, great holiday gifts, such as a cool hole template tool, handy soldering touch, a practical socket wrench, a battery-powered hammerhead auto-hammer, and a crazy paint brush. Plus the Fire Pit newsletter is now available.
In this issue, home for Thanksgiving, Frog Tape for painting, foam insulation in the attic, ceramic tile saw, basement waterproofing eBook, latest columns and videos and The Fire Pit moves.
In this issue, self-healing concrete, review of some great winter work gloves, getting started with an online business, ceramic tile adhesive and some for-fun videos.
In this issue, my trip west comes to an end, a salute to Veterans on this Veterans Day, CFL bulb update, tool news regarding Stanley and Black and Decker, a helpful tip for you and the next owner, a great 3D gift idea, an unbelievable Stain Solver story, and my latest columns and videos.
In this issue, follow-up on the light bulb warning, ice and water membranes, Happy Birthday, Larry Eisinger, testing a wet/dry vacuum, help wanted for, reporting errors on Google Maps, and hose bib tip for cold weather.
In this issue, the new AsktheBuilder Disclosure Policy as required by the FTC, a tip when replacing a light bulb, matching wood stain, latest videos and columns from AsktheBuilder, and cracks in new stucco.
In this issue, central vacuum systems, portable heaters, Molly Malone's Get Together, AsktheBuilder is a finalist in a contest, shower doors, standby generators, a paint simulator, Stain Solver sale, and pocket door hardware.
In this issue, roofing tips, bathroom remodeling rebates, laptop incident delays newsletter, DIY hardwood flooring refinishing, massive Stain Solver sale, and Christmas gifts you make.
In this issue, PEX tubing vs copper tubing, rusty gas piping, news about Stain Solver oxygen bleach, a window leak, an update on the pocket door, time is running out and my latest columns and videos.