In this issue, my return to New Hampshire, the Chicago trip update, repointing mortar, last call for the super Deck Sealer, I need a favor, electrical outlet question when installing a tile backsplash, pocket door installation, public speaking including a speech at Children's Hospital, and Ladies Only (great jewelry).
In this Issue, cleaning washable air filters, a great spackling compound, Extreme Defy Deck Sealer, husbands and mermaids, and the latest columns and videos.
In this issue, a personal lesson in nail-gun safety, an upcoming review on a mortar gun, tips on drywall finishing and on sanding drywall. A review of spray painting return-air registers, my birthday golf outing, news from Saver Systems, and the Stain Solver oxygen bleach sale.
In this issue, getting the old house ready for sale, an electric lawn mower test, remodeling or new construction photo tip, carbon monoxide detectors, upcoming Stain Solver sale, hot attics and attic fans, and framing a pocket door.
In this issue, my Mom is laid to rest, new respect for Hospice, beware of air-cooler clever ads, a forensic shower-pan discovery, concrete sealers and concrete masonry sealers, framing a sliding pocket door, new Stain Solver web site, and latest columns.
In this issue, saving sweet moola, what is the payback period, Mom's condition, summer to do list, nail guns, a pocket door, clean with Stain Solver oxygen bleach instead of painting, surfing safely, wind turbines, and my recent columns.
In this issue, Tim's Mom's health, air-conditioning bids, noise canceling earmuffs, feedback regarding the composite deck article, and a great idea for a father's day gift - an pocket utility knife.
In this issue, time flies when you are busy, a tour of a composite deck factory, product reviews on an extension ladder and a work platform, and toilets that resist clogging.