In this issue, a salute to veterans (a little late), Google's Gmail video chat feature, a wireless video camera, search tips for getting the most from your search engine, painting plastic recycling bins, recipes from readers, Space Shuttle insulation tiles, gutter guards (test results) and spray spackling.
In this issue, another energy tip and an energy monitor, three videos you should watch, a great cordless circular saw, iphone construction calculator, a public relations mistake, a great tool kit gift idea, Stain Solver oxygen bleach on a cook top, attending the Boston Green Build conference and a new first - simple as apple pie.
If this issue, a new energy savings ebook is introduced, a good cause from Google, setting your thermostat when leaving a home for the winter, new advertising options for, save money on building tools, Thanksgiving stress and cleaning and the latest column and video from Ask the Builder.
In this issue, a review of a new professional chain saw, installing a pedestal sink question from a reader, a new spade bit for drilling larger holes in wood, how the economy is affecting all of us and the latest column and video.
In this issue, photos help solve a downspout problem, a Meet & Greet is set for Saturday, installing a set of swinging doors, an online photo album of Tim in New Hampshire, meeting a local candidate and the latest column and video.
In this issue, I asked for it and you answered, tons of emails, meet and greet me at a local hardware store, the Green Movement, problems with a colored stamped concrete installation, Stain Solver sale is ending and my latest column and videos.
SPECIAL EDITION - This is a quick newsletter blast that has some big news, and I need your help again. I'm going to have some new-product news to share in about three or four days, so watch for that. There will be some cool video links in the next issue as well.
In this issue, you never know who you might run into, saving money on your heating costs, log-splitter tests, painting kitchen cabinets, a new testing and reporting project for building products and systems and a foundation primer. DO you have enough security on your computer? And the results are in for a new website.
In this issue, Hurricane Ike hits the midwest, the lost of a friend, standby generators, the new website, a op-ed article in the Washington Times and troubling financial news are topics covered.