In this issue, I become a New Hampshire resident, cell phone service, new video on the gutter guard winner, the Father of DIY, low price ad wording, the mini-blogger Twitter and my latest column and video.
In this issue, I become a New Hampshire resident, cell phone service, new video on the gutter guard winner, the Father of DIY, low price ad wording, the mini-blogger Twitter and my latest column and video.
In this issue, the DVD winners are announced, gutter guard update, test results of LED flashlight, vinyl tile glue on hardwood flooring, paying contractors and the latest columns.
In this issue, there is a wide range of topics - from granite countertops and radon, composite decking, septic tank information, the Stain Solver warehouse, sandstone and slate flooring DVD contest and more.
In this issue, telling the truth on property disclosure, polybutylene plumbing pipe settlement, Stain Solver is moved, new lead rules, an idiot handyman, Sonoma tile and flamed-granite and the latest column and video.
In this issue of my newsletter have I got jambalaya for you! Wait until you read about the feedback from last week's newsletter, how to calculate a fair price for a new home, a contest, my latest columns and video links and much more.
In this issue of my newsletter I am going to talk about my move to New Hampshire and a few other things that have nothing to do with remodeling or building. This is a very rare occurrence.
In this issue of my newsletter, I am going to talk about my 7.5-hour drive to the East Coast, Trex decking, a romantic birthday card, and much more. Oh, and I have another sponsor this week! Yippee!
In this issue of my newsletter, I am going to talk about AC units and hot weather, news about my laundry room, a tool review, cleaning my oven racks and of course share my latest column and some oldie-but-goodie videos.
Howdy! In this issue of my newsletter I am going to talk about my testimony in front of the US Congress, the miracle liquid white vinegar, my thumb injury, ceramic-tile tips and of course share my latest columns and some oldie-but-goodie videos.
Flooding in the Midwest has been horrible. Did you know most homeowner's insurance policies don't cover flooring? ... Tim is headed to the Hill!! He has been invited to testify before a U.S. House of Representatives committee hearing. ... Do you have rain stained sheets? This lady did, but Stain Solver came to the rescue.
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