Christmas is now less than two weeks away. I know you're busy this time of year. I use this time to catch my breath and to do some strategic planning for the next year. 2018 is beginning to look like it's going to be spectacular. I had a phone call this past Friday I wish […]
The mad rush is on. Christmas is less than three weeks away. You may celebrate some other holiday this time of year and if so, I hope it's grand. We celebrate Christmas at the Carter house. Mother Nature's got about 18 days to bring us some serious snow so it's a nice white Christmas with […]
BURP! Kathy outdid herself on Thanksgiving. I didn't think it was possible, but once again she didn't disappoint. Thanksgiving is my favorite meal of the year. The brined turkey was so juicy when I carved it, I thought a water line was somehow connected to it. Then there were the Mistake Muffins. For years, Kathy […]
I'm going to make this as short as possible. Hang in there if you can - especially if you want a great deal on Stain Solver - BLACK FRIDAY SALE today baby! Thanks to You I don't say this as often as I should - I'm so very thankful for you. You may not realize […]
A few hours ago I sent out a news blast. I forgot two things!!! "Comment Held for Approval" I asked you to watch my new video format and then comment at the bottom of the page. You may have commented and typed it a second time because after clicking SUBMIT you didn't immediately see your […]
This is a weird newsletter with a potpourri of all sorts of goodies. I think you're going to like it. Let's start with some something I've seen online that disturbs me. Unethical Advertising Yesterday I was uploading my latest videos to my AsktheBuilder Facebook page and the following ad showed up in my timeline. I […]
It's been almost a month since I've reached out to you. I can't begin to tell you how much has happened. So much I don't know where to start. Three weeks ago, I went to Mt. Desert Island (MDI) in Down East Maine for six days. It was food for the soul. Here are two […]
AsktheBuilder Newsletter Tomorrow is going to be a big day. My oldest daughter Meghan and her husband Brent are coming from Silicon Valley, CA for a one-week visit. Kathy and I will join them for a five-day trip to Bar Harbor, Maine. We're pretty stoked about the adventure as you might suspect! Yesterday, I finished […]
Happy October! It's my favorite month of the year. It's cool, the air is crisp and it's usually quiet in the woods as the birds and insects are getting ready for winter. CLICK HERE and then scroll down to see photos of what Mother Nature has in store for all to see here in central […]
This is a very special announcement if you happen to have relatives in Puerto Rico and are wondering if they're okay. The island was ravaged by Hurricane Maria. I'm a ham radio operator and the over-arching USA association that is centered around amateur radio has set up a special webpage that may allow you to […]