I'm trying to make this the SHORTEST ever email from me. If you're a new subscriber in the past few days, this is NOT a normal newsletter. When things happen with deadlines, I have to remind you that an opportunity is about to expire. Today is one of those days. Treasure Hunt If you played […]
Stop and think for a moment. What did you discover in the past two weeks? I'll go first. I discovered you, yes, you, are the most valuable thing about AsktheBuilder.com. My daughter, Meghan, has said that for years, but I guess my tinnitus was very bad on those days and stopped her wisdom from getting […]
You've almost survived the Treasure Hunt! Today, there are fair trade winds blowing. It's your last day plundering and ye can head back to your home port. THE LINK TO PLAY IS BELOW, BUT READ ALL THIS NOW: If you've procrastinated, you MUST ACT NOW to start to play all the days of the Treasure […]
Your Special Skills You realize you have special skills, right? I'm willing to wager many could benefit from what knowledge you've accumulated during your journey through life. I'm sorry in advance for what I'm about to do to you, but please understand, it's very private. This may not make sense to you and leave you […]
Treasure Hunt - Day Four It's time for Day Four of the Treasure Hunt. Links to the first three days are in the link below in case you've not played yet. If you're a NEW SUBSCRIBER in the past five days, this is not a normal newsletter. You'll see one of those on Tuesday, March […]
The Treasure Hunt! This will be SUPER Fast. THOUSANDS of people are playing the Treasure Hunt! Woo Hoo! You should too. It's EASY. I created a new EASY-PLAY page. Click and see for yourself. Day Two had a little confusion. The island with the rectangles was misleading. I went for the easy answer of 69 […]
Are you sick of me in your inbox yet? I hope not. This is going to be a regular newsletter, although a little short. Let me know how you like this change-up. Baseball is right around the corner. 🙂 A True Story About fifteen months ago, the Chicago advertising and public-relations firm, Walt Denny Inc., […]
If you're a new AsktheBuilder.com subscriber, you've landed in the midst of my annual Treasure Hunt. It's madness but it's FUN. Keep reading. # # # # # I do have a valuable link far below about the dangers of snow and ice buildup on your deck or roof. Look for that. # # # […]
Trying for SHORTEST EVER newsletter. Day One of the Treasure Hunt is almost over. Play it now or you'll miss out on doubloons! Why should you play? It's very important. Watch this video: WARNING: DO NOT STAY UP LATE TONIGHT - Saturday February 22, 2014. :->
Okay, I'll make this really fast. Well, I'll try. If you're a NEW subscriber, you've come on board at a crazy time. I just started my annual Treasure Hunt that runs for three weeks. A link to it is just below. It's a hectic time and I'll be reaching out to you quite a bit […]