Syndication Overview The Offer Sample Layout Sample Videos About Tim About AsktheBuilder is an extension of the nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column AsktheBuilder written by Tim Carter. AsktheBuilder currently appears in over 100 newspapers nationwide. The website was launched in December of 1995, […]
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"Tim, I've worked with The New York Times, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, The Flint Journal, Discovery Channel Kids, Discovery Channel Yearly Science Book, Giza Pyramid Research Association plus several others and never had this kind of response. Tim the Builder Guy is popular. Your people listen to you!" - Wally Wallingford - […]
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"You got mail - Uhhh - a new AsktheBuilder Column or Video! If you would be kind enough to submit your name and email address below, I will send a simple email announcement to you each time I publish a new column or video clip at This allows you to stay up to date […]
Ask Tim Do you need help? If so, you're at the right place. Unlike other websites, I am going to answer your question. Before you take all the time to fill out the form below, there's a VERY good chance your answer is already here on the web site. Please look just above for the […]