Tim Carter demonstrates how to remove the trim from a Kohler shower valve.
Tim Carter demonstrates how to remove the trim from a Kohler shower valve.
Tim Carter demonstrates a method to easily remove tile on a wall between two other walls covered with tile.
Tim Carter, in this continuing bath remodel video series, demonstrates how to remove wall tile. This series of videos were featured in Tim's April 5, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter - New Bath Remodel Videos.
DEAR TIM: I read your helpful column each week in our local paper and your last column was about installing a bath vent fan. I want to remodel our dingy bath, but I need to get a handle on what the project will cost before I start. My wife doesn’t want me to tackle the […]
DEAR TIM: I’m a DIYr and I’m going to remodel a bathroom. I don’t like our current exhaust bath fan and am going to install a new one. I’ve done all sorts of online research and lots of the information is conflicting. I’m not feeling comfortable about what to do and what’s the best way […]
Tim Carter shares valuable tips about what's going on early in the demolition process. He talks about why you NEVER want to use duct tape for certain jobs.
Tim Carter shares some tips about demolition BEFORE he takes the first swing with the hammer or pry bar. Do NOT use a sledgehammer!!!! Tim explains WHY in this video.
Bathroom Remodel Before Video Transcript Hi, I'm Tim Carter founder of AsktheBuilder.com. I'm here in my basement bathroom at my own home and we're going to be remodeling it. And the reason why is the original architect and the homeowner they just made some really critical mistakes in my opinion and I'm gonna do my […]
DEAR TIM: I have a gorgeous white tile floor in my home. It’s a long story, but I dropped something and chipped a tile. I tried to hide it with a throw rug, but my wife caught me. To get out of the doghouse, I need to repair the tile. Do I have to take […]
How to Vent Plumbing AsktheBuilder.com founder, Tim Carter, is also a master plumber. He shows RARE video of plumbing vent pipes in an attic and walls before they disappear forever behind drywall. Carter installed the vent pipes for this plumbing himself in a new home in central New Hampshire in the winter of 2016. (Read […]
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