DEAR TIM: I averted a near Christmas Eve disaster. I was making 75 deviled eggs for thirty guests who were soon to arrive. I turned on my disposal to grind up the eggshells and ended up with a pool of smelly egg water in the sink! I was able to get the water to drain […]
DEAR TIM: I’m about to build a new home with both an attached garage and a separate free-standing three-bay garage. The house I grew up in had floor drains in the garage and they were wonderful. My builder has never heard of garage floor drains and insists on sloping the concrete floor so all liquids […]
Garage Floor Drain Ideas - Time Tested Technology The inspiration for this column came from unexpected comments about a brief mention of garage floor drains in my December 1, 2019 AsktheBuilder newsletter and my December 9, 2019 AsktheBuilder newsletter. The house I grew up in had a garage floor drain. The concrete floor was sloped […]
Don’t Sweat Copper, Press It DEAR TIM: I love reading your column in my local paper. Several months ago you wrote about which plumbing pipe might be better for water lines, copper and PEX. You briefly mentioned a new tool that eliminates the need for soldering copper. I’d like to know much more about this […]
Which one - PEX or Copper? DEAR TIM: I have to install some new water supply lines in my home. My current home has copper water supply lines. I’m intrigued by the plastic PEX material and it seems too good to be true. Using PEX I’d only have a joint in my basement and then […]
"It’s important to realize I knew the Responsible Flushing Alliance would challenge my video findings...." Flushable Wipes Test Video - The Truth is Out There at the End of the Pipe You may have been one who responded to me three months ago. Remember the column I wrote about how flushable wipes clog sewers? I […]
Don't Underestimate Concrete Installation QUESTION #1: I plan to install a concrete patio during my vacation. It’s going to measure 14 feet by 30 feet. I’ve watched lots of online videos and paid attention to cable-TV shows and now feel emboldened. What can go wrong and how much help do you think I’ll need. I’ve […]
PVC Pipe Sizes - Thickness Matters QUESTION #1: Tim, I went to buy some plastic drain pipe and after looking at all the types my head started to hurt. I decided to leave the store and do some research. I’ve got several projects where I need a plastic pipe. I need to add a bathroom […]
Flushable Wipes Clog Drain Lines and Sewers This subject was still getting attraction months after Tim published this column. Check out the May 19, 2019 and the August 4, 2019 Newsletter! DEAR TIM: I’m really upset. I’m retired and have limited resources. I just had to spend $3,300 on a new sewage pump that was […]
PEX vs Copper - And the Winner Is! QUESTION #1: Can you help me make a decision, Tim? I’m building a new home and have the option of using PEX piping for my hot and cold water in the house as opposed to traditional copper. Do you have an opinion about both materials? Have you […]