Stainless steel sinks are available in a variety of styles and thicknesses. Stainless steel kitchen sinks can be kept shiny by avoiding harsh chemicals.
Stainless steel sinks are available in a variety of styles and thicknesses. Stainless steel kitchen sinks can be kept shiny by avoiding harsh chemicals.
Dishwashers now have electronic sensors to help save money and clean your dishes better. How much energy savings will you see? Check these manufacturers of standard and electronic dishwashers. Steps for installing a dishwasher are provided for the DIY'er.
Water-saving toilets use less water to flush. These toilets are undergoing changes. Manufacturers of water saving toilets are listed. Installing a residential toilet - it's a piece of cake!
Water softeners protects your plumbing, car and saves soap. Water treatment with water softening salts removes dissolved elements from the water.
An anti-scald shower device can minimize the chances of getting scalded. Some of these anti scald devices are not foolproof. Know how these faucets work, so you can purchase the necessary protection for your family.
Copper pipe and copper tubing are phrases used by most people to describe the water pipes in their homes. Copper pipe fittings allow you to make turns and install the pipe around corners. People are often afraid of leaks and wonder how to sweat copper pipe. It is not that hard if you follow a few easy steps. New copper piping can last for generations if the water is not aggressive and the plumber wipes off all excess flux after soldering the copper fittings.
New copper pipe fittings already come with the solder in them. This video, hosted by Tim Carter, shows you how to solder copper pipe using these copper fittings.
Soldering copper pipes is an important skill for many home improvement projects. Tim Carter shows you how to solder copper pipe to get a water tight seal.
A toilet flange must be installed correctly for your toilet to be aligned with the bathroom wall. Tim Carter shares an easy tip on how to install a toilet floor flange.
Toilets, how do they work? Tim Carter explains the basics of how a toilet brings water in and waste out. A new toilet uses 1.6 gallons of water which produces the energy to flush waste away. This water is stored in the commode tank and the flapper valve allows the water to move when flushed.
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