Suspended Ceiling Installation - Simple with the Right System I’ve shared in a few past columns the wonderful time I’ve been having with my son. Each weekend I get to spend hours of quality time with him while we work on finishing his basement. I’m fanatical about having access to wires, pipes, ducts, etc. that […]
Garage Width for 2 Cars - 26 Feet Minimum 28 is Better Do you park your car or light truck in a garage? I do both here at my home. I didn’t build the house I live in but hope to build my final dream home with my dream garage in the next few years. […]
LA Wildfire Unknown Facts - Huge Area - Not Enough Trucks Watch this live broadcast where I share facts that you rarely hear from talking heads on newscasts:
Automist Fire Protection - Your Personal Robot Firefighter Traditional fire sprinklers in residential houses require LOTS of water. They're expensive to install. The Automist fire protection system is a game changer for sure. Imagine having six firefighters living inside the walls of your home ready to spring into action! I know a thing or two […]
Match Brick Mortar Color - It Starts With the Sand You may not know this, but I received a bachelor of science degree in geology many moons ago. I was fascinated by the topic, and it helped me build houses and buildings that would not fail. Hydrogeology, the study of groundwater, and continental glaciation were […]
Best Picture Windows Bring the Outside Inside I’m quite sure there’s a great chance you’ve been inside a house that is surrounded by spectacular scenery. You may have stayed at a resort like the one in Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park. Perhaps you’ve stayed in the Mt. Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, NH. […]
Efflorescence or White Mold? 99% Of The Time It's Silly Salt The seasonal tumblers are all clicking into place here at my home. The same thing might be happening where you live. My central New Hampshire town, much to my dismay, uses rock salt to fight ice and snow on the roads. Yes, it works, […]
Infrared Photos of Electricity - They Could Save Your Life I grew up reading Superman comic books. One of his superpowers was x-ray vision. He could see through opaque objects to detect danger. I was mesmerized by this power as were many children and no doubt adults. What would you say if I told you […]
Filter Fabric for French Drain - Don't Waste Your Money! Filter fabric for french drains is not required. It's a myth. Websites and YouTube channels promote it with reckless abandon. Here's why it's a waste of money. Water drainage is misunderstood by many a homeowner, builder, YouTube personality, and building inspector if my incoming email […]
Virtual General Contractor - Will Work for Food & Money Were you 100 percent satisfied with all of the work done on your last large project? I’m talking about near perfection. If you did an autopsy on all the problems, errors, delays, etc. on the big job, what do you think would be the top […]