Drainage Paving Stones Out in nature when it rains on soil, most of the water goes into the ground. Yeah, this column is about drainage paving stones, but you need to know something first. I say this assuming: it's not a downpour the soil is not saturated from days of rain the soil isn't frozen […]
Crumbling Brick Pavers Why Do Paving Brick Crumble? The concrete paving brick crumble because the Portland cement used to hold together the sand and gravel loses its ability to hold together the sand and gravel used to create each brick. This happens most frequently in cold climates. Water soaks into the concrete paving brick. When […]
Brick Window Sill Leaking TIPS Leak-proof brick sills are ones that have flashings under them Hard to retrofit existing brick sills Use thin bendable stainless steel for best flashings - SEE BELOW Solvent-based silane siloxane sealer could help stop leaks CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: After noticing some bubbled […]
How To Repair Mortar With Caulk DEAR TIM: My ten-year-old house developed some cosmetic cracks in the mortar. I got some bids to have tuck-pointing work done and nearly gagged when I looked at the cost. I’m wondering about using a special caulk I found that’s made to repair mortar joints. It contains fine sand […]
Efflorescence can be removed using several methods. An efflorescence remover such as a dilute solution of muriatic acid can be used in severe cases, but extreme caution should be taken with this chemical. Also, it is important to never seal brick that is experiencing efflorescence. You may damage the brick's surface.
Efflorescence, those ugly white stains on masonry, brick and stone are the result of water getting in and pulling the water soluble salt out of them. Masonry needs masonry sealers to stop efflorescence. The dirt around your retaining walls needs to be treated as well.
Masonry structures are not waterproof. Water will pass through stone, block, brick and mortar. If improper installation of your masonry walls can't be easily repaired, you may be able to stop the leaks with high quality water repellents.
Brick water repellents stop water infiltration into your brick and masonry walls. Coat them with a clear water repellent. Be sure your don't coat the brick with a film forming sealer that can cause damage to the brick itself.
Vinyl siding can be removed from a house and brick put in its place. The most important part of the job will be underground as a solid foundation must support the new brick.