Rust Stains in Toilet - Remove with Ease Do you remember that day in high school chemistry class when you grumbled under your breath saying something like, “This is NUTS. When will I ever use this information in my lifetime?” Well, get out a fork and plate and start eating your giant piece of humble […]
How Tall Should a Wall Be? It Makes a Difference Did you know the safest and most comfortable steps to go up or down have 7.5-inch risers and 10-inch treads? Knowing this, how tall should a wall be in a house with a staircase? How do you calculate wall height? Make some room in your […]
DIY Home Projects That Save Money The volume of incoming DIY help requests via the Ask Tim page of my website is rising faster than the Fed can hike interest rates to tame the raging inflation. With the prices of bare necessities such as fuel and food taking larger bites out of your budget, […]
Window Washing Near Me - DIY Because it's EASY See that window above? See that fog on the left half of the sash? Unless you're paralyzed, you can get professional results in seconds. I cleaned that right half of the window glass using exactly what pros use to clean skyscraper glass. What magic window washing […]
How to Prevent Wood Rot Repair Hours before I began to write this column I was backing my car into a parking spot at church. Just ahead of me was an older garage on the church campus that was being remodeled. New vinyl siding is being installed and my guess is all of the trim […]
It's Easy & Fast to make a F250 Ride Smoother - Patio Stones! My Ford F-250 Super Duty 4x4 has a very stiff suspension. An F-250 is a 3/4-ton truck and everything about the chassis is bigger and tougher than its little brother the F-150. The robust front springs installed in 2009 as part of […]
Drain Flies How to Get Rid Of - Easy! My friend Jim from Cincinnati, texted me the other day: "How do I get rid of drain flies?" I replied, "Simple..." I then outlined the steps in the text message. Here they are for you. Step 1: Remove the drain cover and use a toilet brush, […]
How to Prevent Bats in Attic - Very Easy IMPORTANT Author Note: After this column was featured in the July 4, 2021 newsletter, a subscriber was kind enough to share her frightening and expensive story about a bat encounter. It's at the bottom of this column. I URGE you to read it. Bats frighten many […]
3D Printed House Cost - It's Not All Unicorns and Rainbows You may wonder if the new belle of the ball, 3D printed house, is really going to cost you less money to build than a normal house. Some publications fawn about new techniques like these and only share the glitter and gleam of the […]
How to Square a Building Last week, a 75-year-old man submitted a question on the Ask Tim page of my website. I get quite a few each week and answer each one. This particular question put a huge smile on my face because it screamed “ATTITUDE”. Connie, yes it can be a name for […]