Infrared Photos of Electricity - They Could Save Your Life I grew up reading Superman comic books. One of his superpowers was x-ray vision. He could see through opaque objects to detect danger. I was mesmerized by this power as were many children and no doubt adults. What would you say if I told you […]
Install New Outlet and Switch - It's Easy Electrical Phone Coaching HELP: If you need a voice or video coaching call to help you install an electrical outlet or switch, you can talk to Ask the Builder founder Tim Carter. CLICK HERE NOW to get help. Are you aware how expensive it is to hire […]
Electrical Hacks for Your Home Eight months ago a woman hired me to be her virtual general contractor. She was about to start to rebuild a home in remote northern Maine at the south end of Moosehead Lake. She’s the boots-on-the-ground person and we communicate via email, video calls, and texting. Last week we started […]
Color Slide and Color and B&W Negative Scanners In August of 2022, I started a massive project of scanning at least 2,000 color slides and well over 10,000 color and black and white 35mm negatives. Years before I had purchased an affordable miniature scanner, but I had let it languish. It was a Wolverine F2D […]
Solar Panels Return on Investment - Moving Target In August of 2022, Robert reached out to me after receiving last week's newsletter. Here's part of what he said: "Along the line of conservation of resources, what are your thoughts on solar panels on one’s home? I live in North Richland Hills, Texas and have been […]
Electrical Conduit - Should You Install It in Your Home? Before I jump into this topic about electric conduit, I feel you need to know a little history about how my media and influencer profession works. Ask the Builder started out as a syndicated newspaper column in October of 1993. In fact, as of June […]
Home Depot Dryer Installation On May 25, 2022, Home Depot delivered an LG dryer and washer to my son's house in Nashua, NH. My son had told them not to do the actual hookups because it cost $500 and he knew I could do it for nothing. The installers must have not read the paperwork […]
Electrical Wiring Question A few days ago, Marcus asked me an electrical wiring question while I was doing one of my new live streaming video broadcasts. Live streaming video is so much fun because I get to interact with you in real-time just as if we were sitting at a table enjoying a lemonade or […]
Leviton SmartlockPro® GFCI - Sleek New GFCI The Leviton SmartlockPro® GFCI is a pretty cool receptacle. It's easy to wire up. How Sleek is the GFCI? It's so sleek it doesn't project beyond the cover plate. Where Can I Buy the Leviton SmartlockPro® GFCI? CLICK or TAP HERE to purchase it. How Do You Connect […]
theOUTlet - Clever Device But... I had a chance to study a new quadplex outlet called theOUTlet. Most electrical outlets in your home are duplex outlets meaning you can plug in two things at the same time. TheOUTlet comes in two varieties - one with and one without USB charging slots. The inventors of theOUTLET […]