Tim Carter discusses new radiant floor heating technology - Transfer Plates.
Tim Carter discusses new radiant floor heating technology - Transfer Plates.
Air leaks in your home can come from a variety of locations. Around doors and windows are common air leak spots. You can add insulation if it missing to keep Old Man Winter outside and save energy.
There is confusion knowing how to go green. There are many green products available, but are they all environmentally friendly? The impact on the environment and the return of investment are all factors to consider.
Wind energy is an alternate source of energy. The energy in wind won't completely replace fossil fuels. Windmill energy has been around for years. Be sure it makes economical sense before investing in wind powered energy.
Fuel prices are headed up. Residential heating costs are expected to increase this winter. Here are some energy saving tips to assist in reducing your energy costs.
Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, demonstrates two simple ways to winterize your house when the seasons change. Get that garden hose inside and check your insulation.
These house closing winterizing tips are also useful if you are leaving for a weekend, vacation or for the summer. This checklist provides items for partially closing your home and for a complete closure. Don't cut corners. Do them all.
Leaving your house for an extended vacation or for the season? What do you have to do to close the house? There is more than just turning off the lights when you need to winterize your house.
Heating costs can leave you broke during cold winters. But with these energy saving tips from AsktheBuilder.com will help you reduce home heating costs. You can do a lot to reduce your heating costs this winter and help with saving energy.
Radiant barrier insulation saves money and lowers the cost of heating your home. This video demonstrates how to install radiant barrier, attic insulation foil chips, in your attic to reflect heat and cold and save energy.
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