Roof Cracking Sounds Winter | Snow Loads, Ice Weight & Wind "Roof cracking sounds in the winter are common. Some sounds are caused by heavy snow and ice, some are caused by high winds, and the sun might cause cracking sounds on bluebird days." Tim Carter - Founder | Roof cracking sounds are somewhat […]
"A footing is just like the foot on your leg. It spreads out the weight of the building onto the soil. Bigger is better!" Tim Carter - Founder | Footing Width and Depth - Do Both Right to Avoid #FAILURE Footing width and depth are very important. A footing spreads out the weight of […]
"The footing depth below grade is determined by two things: when you encounter strong soil and making sure you're below the local frost depth in your area." Tim Carter - Founder | Footing Depth Below Grade - Two Factors Control the Depth The footing depth of your garage, house, or building depends on where […]
Footing Detail - Concrete + Steel + Great Soil A footing is quite possibly the most important detail in construction. A footing is what contacts the earth or soil and it distributes the total load, or weight of the building, so it doesn't sink into the ground. What are the Details of a Footing? A […]
Drill a Well QUESTION #1: Tim the Builder, I’ve got a question for you. I live in a big city and am tired of the chlorinated and polluted water that flows through the city water mains. Is it possible to have my own well water as people out in the country have? How does water […]
Floor Trusses - No Interior Bearing Walls QUESTION #1: Tim, is it possible to build a multi-story home with no, or few, interior bearing walls or beams? I’ve looked at lumber span tables and regular lumber doesn’t seem to be able to do what I want to be done. What are my options and have […]
Are you a brand new subscriber? Welcome and thanks for your trust. Honorable subscriber of record? Thanks for remaining on the list. You're a blessing! This is going to be a pictorial newsletter as I'm up in Bar Harbor right now getting ready for my third day of taping hours of video footage of the framing […]
Stop Water Vapor Now QUESTION #1: Hey Tim, I’m flummoxed. I’ve seen videos and read online articles about needing a vapor barrier in the walls of my home and possibly under concrete slabs. My builder says these things are a waste of money. I need your vote of confidence and written words to give me […]
Blasting Ledge - Not DIY - No Way - No How Blasting ledge was done years ago with hand-held star-bit drills and sledgehammers. Two men would drill down about 18 inches, pack the hole with black powder, light a fuse, and run for their lives. Black powder was very dangerous to use and many […]
Capturing Radon Secrets DEAR TIM: I’m building a new home and someone at a Christmas party asked me what my builder was going to do about radon. I’ve never heard of radon and thought it was a joke. Is radon an issue and what can be done about it in new construction? The foundation is […]