Andrea S, from Little Rock, Arkansas wrote to me. She was in a huge bind. Two weeks ago she was planning to close on a house. Fortunately for her, she did a walk through inspection with her realtor the day before the closing. New House Walk Through Nightmare - Broken Water Pipe When they opened […]
Laundry Room Plans - Common Sense Tips DEAR TIM: One of my New Years resolutions involves my laundry room. It’s a long story, but my husband and I are building a huge room addition and I finally get my dream laundry room. I think I know what I want, but I’d like to get your […]
Wall Cap Dominoes - A Game Played With Big Blocks! Free & Fast Bids CLICK HERE to get FREE & FAST BIDS from local contractors that can do a domino demonstration for you! Watch how builders have fun on a job site playing wall cap dominoes. I never did this, but am inclined to try […]
New Home Construction Hiccup DEAR TIM: My builder really goofed up my new home. A room at the corner of the house next to the front door had its roof installed too low. The mistake is being corrected but I’m quite upset as I don’t feel the job is being done right. They’re leaving the […]
You wake up on a frigid morning or come home from work and your house is cold, yet the heater or furnace is on. You might mumble out loud as you shiver, "Why is house cold with heating on?" This is the column Tim asked in his January 3, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter if you would […]
Laundry Room Ideas - Beware Of Function Flaws! Laundry rooms are one of the hardest-working rooms in a house outside of the kitchen. I don't know about you, but I don't go into my laundry room to relax, read, watch TV or jump on my amateur radio. I go in there to get clothes clean, […]
Advice For Architects-To-Be And You Too! Not only do I answer questions each day at my own website, but I also do the same at another major question site. Two days before Christmas, I answered a most unusual question. The gentleman wanted to know the best books I’d recommend about building and construction for […]
Ring® Floodlight Cam Review - A Dream Security Spotlight My wife doesn't like our new Ring® Floodlight Cam. "You're a creeper," she says to me. That's because our Ring® keeps a vigilant eye on who comes down our driveway. She doesn't like to be watched so she's not happy with me. I tell her, "Just […]
Garage Plans 2 Car - BEWARE Common Mistakes! The 2-car garage in the above photo was built about five miles from my home. It's going to be a disaster. Can you see why? Be sure to look down at the simple floor plan I drew up to show you the biggest mistake! It's important to […]