Paying a Contractor in Advance Yesterday I received an email from Marie who lives in Massachusetts. She asked the following question: "I have been getting quotes to clean and stain my decks. In the quotes, they have all been saying that they want money up front (1/3 or 1/2). I don't like this idea. Is […]
Brick Wall Leakage Repair TIPS Water can't pool against brick walls Create positive drainage using a thin concrete overlay Use cement paint for permanent repair - WATCH VIDEOS below Silane-siloxane sealers can prevent water from entering brick CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: There's an area in our garage that's […]
Drilling steel or metal is a quick way to dull your drill bits if you do it the wrong way. This video shows you how to drill holes using the correct drill bits and oil to drill through steel and sheet metal. A variable speed drill is the best drill to use.
When you are looking for the best windows or the best replacement windows, be sure to look for two industry certifications. These labels assist you in judging the best window quality and the energy efficiency rating.
Old vs New Construction TIPS Complex question - not easy to answer in limited space Many old materials superior to modern substitutes Workers today not as dedicated to quality Regulations, laws, wage packages put downward pressure on quality CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! Less than two hours ago, I was having […]
Follow the National Electric Code when dealing with outdoor lighting or residential wiring. Provide surge protection for your home with a lightning arrestor and protect yourself from electrocution with GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) devices.
Hydraulic cement expands as it dries to fill cracks in concrete foundations. This expanding cement helps waterproof a cracked foundation. The following manufacturers make hydraulic cement.
Circuit breakers are primarily designed to protect the wiring in your home. They ensure the wires will not overheat which can lead to fires and they also detect short circuits. But if you plug cords into outlets that exceed the voltage the breaker protects, it can spark a fire.
"I believe the reason they're so strong is that the manufacturers decided to make the concrete mix quite rich adding a small amount of extra Portland cement." Concrete Laundry Tub Checklist Concrete laundry tub is fantastic. Do not get rid of yours! Valuable!! Contain high amounts of Portland cement and wire mesh reinforcing WATCH concrete […]