Lower humidity in your home as the outdoor temperature drops to avoid condensation on your new energy efficient vinyl windows.
Lower humidity in your home as the outdoor temperature drops to avoid condensation on your new energy efficient vinyl windows.
Repairing a Broken Double Pane Window Glass Rich Sinclair who lives in Hainesport, New Jersey emailed me asking the following question: "Can you replace only one broken pane of a double pane window?" The answer is simply: No Double pane, or insulated glass, is made by taking two pieces of glass and separating them with […]
Smokey Film on Car Windows TIPS Smokey Film comes from plastic off-gassing Will come off with soap and water Streaks mean you did not clean it well Wash twice and rinse well - clean glass in shade not direct sun CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! You might think that smokey film […]
Tim Carter demonstrates how to replace a window and frame. A replacement window can be very heavy. These tips help you when doing a window replacement.
Condensation on new windows makes homeowners angry. New windows are not supposed to get wet inside. But new windows often seal air leaks and a tighter house means elevated humidity.
Brick Window Sill Leaking TIPS Leak-proof brick sills are ones that have flashings under them Hard to retrofit existing brick sills Use thin bendable stainless steel for best flashings - SEE BELOW Solvent-based silane siloxane sealer could help stop leaks CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: After noticing some bubbled […]
Tim Carter demonstrates a simple way to remove an old window and frame from a house. Knowing how to remove a window properly will make the whole project go smoothly.
"When done right, whitewash produces a brilliant white finish that bonds tenaciously to any masonry or coarse wood surface. You can add dry pigments to the whitewash to create unlimited color possibilities." Whitewash Fireplace DIY TIPS Use real whitewash, not paint - paint is for losers Real whitewash is hydrated lime and salt - SEE […]
How To Drive Finish Nails TIPS Nail sets are what pros use to countersink finish nails Match nail set to finish nail head size WATCH finish nail videos below Power nailers prevent beauty marks CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: I was helping my boyfriend install some wood trim this […]
Metal Pegboard Hooks TIPS Metal pegboard is far superior to old sawdust-and-glue pegboard Hooks never come out of metal pegboard Many colors available to match your flair Countless hooks and accessories available CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! This story was featured in Tim's May 8, 2018 Newsletter DEAR TIM: I've tried […]
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