How To Repair Mortar With Caulk DEAR TIM: My ten-year-old house developed some cosmetic cracks in the mortar. I got some bids to have tuck-pointing work done and nearly gagged when I looked at the cost. I’m wondering about using a special caulk I found that’s made to repair mortar joints. It contains fine sand […]
The Loretto Staircase is surrounded by an air of mystery - who built it and why is it still standing. But the Loretto Chapel Miracle Staircase is subject to the same laws of physics as any staircase or circular staircase.
House Wrap and Vapor Barrier TIPS House wraps go on outside surface of house under siding Vapor barriers go on warm side of wall - See Below WATCH videos below for help Great improvements in newer house wraps CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! Janice Rozier, who lives in Folkston, GA, sent […]
How To Slope Drain Lines TIPS Drain and vent lines must slope - Period Too much slope in a drain line is bad WATCH plumbing vent pipe video below Support pipes so slope is permanent CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! Jennifer Brown, who lives in Panama City, FL, purchased a new […]
Foundation heights, the finished grade that touches the surrounding soil, are important for a home's drainage. Foundations should be set two feet higher than the highest point within 10 feet of the foundation.
Temporary wall partitions can be added to room to create that small home office. The temporary interior wall should be held in place with fasteners to avoid the wall falling over. This is even more important if small children are present. Soundproofing is possible, to a degree, with sound-batt insulation and an exterior door.
Soil strength and quality are extremely important when building a new home since most house foundations contact soil, not bedrock. Not all soils are the same, so it is vital you get a valid soil test and inspection.
A fire stop is a vital component of wall framing. Fire stop insulation, fire stop foam and other proper fire stopping materials are essential to block combustible gases from moving upward through your home like a chimney. Understanding fire stops, if you undertake a DIY project, is necessary for your safety.
Cutting crown molding is simple! Knowing how to cut crown molding is easy if you think upside down and reverse. Read on, then the project of installing crown molding will be clear.