Stair trim molding confuses some rookie carpenters. They realize that stair trim design is perfected when you take the stair trim piece and run it up the stair stringers, but cutting the required angles causes confusion. If you want to learn how to do stair trim and stair risers trim, then this column might be a great place to start.
Tape measure markings are black lines that represent fractions of an inch. The length of the line gives you a clue as to the fraction. Special markings are for different on-center measurements. Revised February 2018 Tape Measure Markings TIPS Black lines are fractions of an inch Line mark length is the secret decoder 16-inch […]
Many homeowners experience mold and mildew on their lumber as houses are built or room additions are constructed. The good news is the lumber is going to be fine and there's rarely any damage to the wood. If it's just surface mold or mildew, it will clean off.
Soil stability is extremely important for foundations. Connections between foundations, no matter how strong, depend on soil and footers for strength. For waterproofing, apply special waterproofing compounds to the exterior of the finished foundation.
Crawlspace Encapsulation TIPS Lots of incorrect info out there Bare soil pumps up water constantly Rectangle vents all but worthless Cover soil with special plastic CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: My head is spinning from all of the conflicting information I'm seeing online about crawl space encapsulation. Should it […]
A concrete block foundation can be stronger than a poured concrete foundation. They differ in the size of gravel used, and that concrete blocks are hollow while poured concrete is solid. Reinforcing steel can be used to strengthen either material.
Poured concrete foundation walls come in all sizes, thicknesses, heights and widths. As concrete gets taller, it must get thicker. All of these dimensions are interrelated.
Foundation soil grade is important to consider for new home construction and for existing homes. Foundations that don't protrude form the ground enough can suffer drainage and leakage problems. Soil should slope away from the home. If you have a flat lot, drain pipes and trenches can be used to control water flow.
A load bearing wall can be tough to identify. Determining load bearing walls and how best to go about removing a load bearing wall are among the most frequent questions I receive. Mechanical and electrical structures may be hiding behind those interior walls as well. How to determine if a wall is load bearing? The safest way to sleep at night is to hire a professional structural engineer.
Pocket doors save space but can break down. Replacing pocket doors or installing new pocket door hardware might be all that is needed to revive an old, troublesome pocket door. Here are some pocket doors diy tips.