Quick Column Summary: Cordless vs Corded tools Lithium ion batteries All batteries are not the same Get well built batteries DEAR TIM: It seems every month there's a new cordless tool. The power claims and run time seem unbelievable. Before I start investing heavily into cordless tools, I'm wondering if you can weigh in. Am […]
Last week I was having a rare phone conversation with my editor at the syndicate that distributes my Ask the Builder column. Dave's a great editor and a DIY enthusiast. Somehow the conversation drifted to how he looks for help online to do projects and to help guide him when he decides he needs to […]
Quick Column Summary: No one buys paint online Color needs to be seen in person Order from home I don't have a record of when the meeting happened, but my guess is it was 2004. I was in the offices of Miller Brothers Paint in Norwood, Ohio meeting with the owner of the company and […]
Quick Column Summary: Flooded, drywall damaged How high up do you replace Make it easy on the drywall finisher Add extra electrical outlets now Ms. Lisa Reynolds, who works for the Federal Department of the Interior in Colorado, had her offices flood with water. Heck, I'll let her tell you the rest: "Our office suffered […]
Quick Column Summary: Brick walls leak in heavy rain Can I drill weep holes into brick Do not drill bricks Coat bricks to stop water infiltration Sara, who lives in Elgin, IL, has an issue that plagues hundreds of thousands of homeowners. Let her tell you all about the water that runs down her basement […]
Quick Column Summary: How do you use a drill Modern drills have more options for use Drill bits for different materials Tim's tips list DEAR TIM: Last week you helped Sally use a circular saw. I’ve watched people use a simple electric drill for years but never held one in my hand. Can you teach […]
Attach Wood to Concrete - Easy With Sinker Nails "Take two of the 16d coated sinker nails and hold them together so the heads of the nails are even. Tap both nail heads at the same time lightly until they..." Related Links Deck Screws vs Nails - Which is Better? Nail Guns - Drive Many […]
How to Use a Circular Saw Quick Column Summary: Advice for a novice using power tools Purchase high quality tools Read the Manuals cover to cover Practice, practice, practice cutting DEAR TIM: I'm brand new to the world of DIY. My husband and I just bought our first old home and have lots of projects […]
Quick Column Summary: How to reduce humidity in basement You may be doing everything right Damproof or waterproof foundations Run a humidifier Tom Donohue, who lives up in Ontario, Canada, has a humid basement. He's not alone. Millions have this issue. "How can I reduce humidity in my basement in the summer. I do not […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Consumers should stop using this product unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product. Recall Summary Name of Product: ProLED bulbs Hazard: The LED bulbs can overheat and fall onto consumers below, posing impact and burn hazards. Remedy: Replace […]