Concrete piers are vertical structural elements that support the weight of a building or structure. Their design and installation must consider the weight being supported and the frost line in your area. There are preformed concrete pier forms that provide you with the properly shaped concrete pier foundation.
Floor joists are beams that support your subflooring and flooring. When installing floor joists, they must be properly supported on both ends. Without proper support, your floors can swag and squeak.
Radiant heat is by no means new. Different form forced-air systems, it uses electromagnetic, infrared waves to heat. Radiant heating systems are a little more expensive to install but provide silent, clean and comfortable heat.
Impact drivers are great tools. A cordless impact driver can easily drive 3-inch screws into wood without a pilot hole. These power tools delivery low end torque to drive or remove stubborn screws.
Both wood i-beams and steel beams can carry tremendous loads. Either type I-beam must be properly sized and properly supported. If not, the beams won't hold up under the tons of weight from the house.
Framing nail guns can make your job go faster, but treat the nail gun with respect. Impulse nailguns are easier to use then the nail guns that require air compressors. You will need to determine which framing nail gun is proper for your projects.
A crack in a concrete foundation can be a sign of serious structural issues, problems with the soil, or just a minor concrete crack. Hiring an structural engineer could actually save you money in the long run.