Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
When framing a door, there are several factors to consider. The door framing could be different for interior and exterior doors, and if the door is being framed in a load-bearing wall.
Tim Carter demonstrates a tool that allows you to easily diagnose why a fluorescent light is not working.
When it comes how to do insulation for a basement, there are several insulating options. Rigid foam insulation provides a good floor to ceiling insulation. Using fiberglass batts in conjunction with the spray foam and with a water vapor barrier, you will have a nice, dry, warm basement.
Tim Carter is on a rainy jobsite where AdvanTech OSB Flooring is being installed.
Tim Carter describes one method to install a house foundation directly on bedrock.
What is the biggest danger to a house? Wind, poor soil, bad foundation? No, it's water. Water damage can weaken a house structure to the point of collapse.
A framing square will help you when cutting a roof rafter. The framing square has the math done for you. Just follow these tips when framing your roof.
There is confusion knowing how to go green. There are many green products available, but are they all environmentally friendly? The impact on the environment and the return of investment are all factors to consider.
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