What is wood rot and how can you repair rotten wood? The type of lumber being used today can accelerate wood rotting. There are some tips to help prevent wood rot in your home.
What is wood rot and how can you repair rotten wood? The type of lumber being used today can accelerate wood rotting. There are some tips to help prevent wood rot in your home.
The trick when repairing brick pavers is to get the replacement brick paver level and to match colors. Brick pavers will weather outside over the years. If your replacement paver is brand new, it might not match.
Building your own home as a do it yourself project is a major undertaking. Before you calculate all the man-hours required to build your house. It is not something that can be done part time. Be sure you have the time to do it properly.
There are many pros and cons about the foam-board insulation product P2000. Is this insulation better then fiberglass or other conventional insulation. Read the story of one P2000 user.
Excavating a new home lot must be carefully planned. Foundation holes have to be the proper depth and not too big. Your site excavation plans needs to consider sidewalks, driveways and the trees you want to save.
Galvanized ducting buried under concrete slabs can collect water, debris or worse. There is an air duct cleaning system that not only cleans your ducts, but coats them with a waterproofing compound. This system uses your existing ductwork, so no need to install new ducts.
In cases where stud finders don't work, or if you don't have a stud detector, you can locate framing studs the old fashion way. Wall studs can be found using a nail, a hammer and a little observation.
Tim Carter has a little fun comparing two orbital sanders. The Bosch sander absolutely has much less vibration than the other one in the video.
Tim Carter demonstrates the new Bosch Hammer Drill Driver. He shows how fast it can drill 3 inches into solid concrete.
Tim Carter demonstrates the Bosch MX25E multi tool. He shows how quickly it can remove floor tile grout.
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