Building Product Defects Happen All the Time Building product defects can sap money and energy from you. Building materials made in factories can contain latent defects. These are hidden time bombs that can explode causing mayhem in your life. It’s not easy to spot them, but there are some things you can do to prevent […]
A Decorative Fence Post is Like Eye Perfume Wood is such a magnificent building material in my opinion. It’s strong, it’s beautiful, it’s easy to cut and shape, and it can be used to create delicious eye candy both inside and outside your home. My lovely wife enjoys outdoor gardening. She inherited this love and […]
Decorative Pavers for Gardens, Sidewalks, Driveways, and Patios Last fall I traveled with my wife across the USA. We arrived in Los Angeles, CA and a few hours later got to hold our newest granddaughter. It was magical to say the very least. My youngest daughter inherited her mother’s love of gardening. It was decided […]
Garage Width for 2 Cars - 26 Feet Minimum 28 is Better Do you park your car or light truck in a garage? I do both here at my home. I didn’t build the house I live in but hope to build my final dream home with my dream garage in the next few years. […]
Efflorescence or White Mold? 99% Of The Time It's Silly Salt The seasonal tumblers are all clicking into place here at my home. The same thing might be happening where you live. My central New Hampshire town, much to my dismay, uses rock salt to fight ice and snow on the roads. Yes, it works, […]
Filter Fabric for French Drain - Don't Waste Your Money! Filter fabric for french drains is not required. It's a myth. Websites and YouTube channels promote it with reckless abandon. Here's why it's a waste of money. Water drainage is misunderstood by many a homeowner, builder, YouTube personality, and building inspector if my incoming email […]
Rusted Joist Hangers are Dangerous One of my newsletter subscribers, Robert, does handyman work on the weekends for friends and other homeowners. Eleven years ago, he wanted to learn how to frame a large shed including common roof framing. He volunteered to help me build my 16x24-foot two-story shed. We’ve been fast friends ever since […]
Repair Concrete Cracks - Many Bad Options Several days ago I had a texting exchange with a very smart single woman who attends my church. She reached out to me the day before with a photo of water inside her garage and another showing a crack in the garage foundation wall near the water puddle. […]
Concrete Patching Compound - Sand and Cement is Best Every seven weeks I sit in my barber’s chair and say to Mikayla, “Take no prisoners. Cut each and every one of them.” She giggles to humor me. I have to step up from the asphalt parking lot to a concrete sidewalk to get to the […]