Patching concrete depends on pinning the new patch to the old concrete. Simple concrete forms made with concrete block and wood, cement paint, rebar, concrete and a hammer drill will be all you need. The steel or rebar will keep the concrete strong and the cement paint will help adhere the patch.
Concrete overlays can be successfully applied if you follow my tips. Cement and stone amounts are critical to the concrete mixture. You need a cement paint applied before you bond the overlay to the older concrete. Use a curing compound after your overlay is finished.
Concrete driveways should last years if properly mixed and installed. Concrete driveways will stand up to deicing salts and freezing temperatures. Make sure the mix is right and the concrete installation is done at the right time of year.
There are four primary deicing salts for ice and snow removal. Sodium chloride (rock salt), calcium chloride, potassium chloride and magnesium chloride. Each has certain temperatures that it can work with. Magnesium chloride is less damaging to concrete, plants and trees.
Concrete installation by a seasoned professional is the best way to ensure that your concrete driveway will last for years. Concrete reinforcement with steel or rebar will help control cracking. Concrete expansion joints are critical as is a good solid base.