The mystery holes in the foundation were made by the foundation form panels. If they are leaking, there are concrete repair products for foundation repairs. Be sure the concrete repair is done with an expanding foundation repair product.
The mystery holes in the foundation were made by the foundation form panels. If they are leaking, there are concrete repair products for foundation repairs. Be sure the concrete repair is done with an expanding foundation repair product.
A concrete overlay is a great way to patch your spalling concrete sidewalk, driveway or stucco. Discover how to repair your concrete. Concrete overlays can last years if the concrete work is done properly.
Cold seams in a poured concrete foundation can occur if the flow of concrete is interrupted. The foundation seam is where part of the concrete dries while waiting for more concrete to be poured.
Tim Carter demonstrates really simple ways to repair either blacktop or concrete driveways. Repair blacktop driveways before you apply the driveway sealer.
Basement floor cracks or cracks in a concrete floor are easy to fix. host Tim Carter demonstrates the right way for basement crack repair and repairing cracks in other concrete floors.
Cracks in concrete slabs can be permanently repaired. The trick is to use high-strength epoxies that are easily injected into the cracks. Epoxy repair kits are affordable and can be found readily.
Oil spills or stains on your driveway? Don't panic - all you need is liquid soap and water! Even if your stain is more than 30 days old, using warm water can help lift the stain off. Make sure you don't use a wire brush, because that only harms your driveway surface. And while you may need to use a solvent to get rid of a stain on concrete, only use soap and water with asphalt.
Concrete is a unique material. It is hard, dense and durable yet it is highly susceptible to staining when it has a rough to semi-smooth finish. Most exterior concrete surfaces like driveways, sidewalks and driveway aprons need to have a somewhat rough surface for traction. Water, oil and other liquids can readily soak into concrete if it is not protected. Protect your surface with a clear sealer or liquid repellent.
When it comes to learning about concrete, there are two books that are must-haves, both from the Portland Cement Association. Looking for clear coating manufacturers? Many on the following list may not be familiar to you, because high quality clear coatings aren't usually sold at local hardware shops.
The following checklist contains 15 helpful pointers when using concrete to make a sidewalk, patio or driveway. Look at the control joint illustrations to see how they should be handled for residential driveways.
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