Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, demonstrates how to drill holes in clay soil and fill them with gravel to prevent foundation cracks. During droughts, the soil around the foundation can contract and cause a foundation crack.
Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, demonstrates how to drill holes in clay soil and fill them with gravel to prevent foundation cracks. During droughts, the soil around the foundation can contract and cause a foundation crack.
Topographic maps will tell you a lot about a lot. The spacing of the topographic lines will indicate any hills or valleys on that piece of property. Topography will aid in spotting streams or storm water retention basins on the lot before you purchase it.
A soil map is one of the most important resources you can have when building a home. Tim Carter discusses why you should use soil maps, and how one can be used to build a better home.
New Hampshire is a beautiful state with plentiful natural areas and beautiful landscapes. Tim Carter shows you his New Hampshire land and gives you a preview of the type of New Hampshire real estate you can find.
Some residential lots are not very flat. Building a slab house on this sloping ground can create extra work and expense. Constructing a full basement is perhaps a better choice in this situation.
Lot selection may often be based upon pure emotional reactions to the landscape or specific features of the lots you consider for your home. Residential lots will be less of a mystery with this checklist and will serve to make your lot decision a smart one. Here are the final 9 tips -- Part III of "Lot Selection- 25 Tips".
Lot selection criteria continue here with 8 more tips and hints. Lots under your consideration will be easier to assess before you buy.
Lot selection for a new or existing residence involves many important considerations. Lots have soil,land, building, and service features of critical import you need to examine. There are 25 tips total presented in a 3-part summary. This is Part I - with the first 8 pointers to make your lot selection a smart one.
Soil is a basic element you need to understand before you select your building lot. The soil profile of the land and surrounding landscape will affect your home and conditions without end. Types of soil and depth will determine specific needs for water, septic system, potential dangerous landslides, drainage potential and other important considerations.
Lot selection should include consideration of many features. Lots, whether new or existing, are unequal in features of importance, such as utilities, zoning and potential for floods or drainage disasters. Lot and home assets addressed in this column may not even occur to many people. Lots for sale should be thoroughly reviewed with these tips in mind before you choose where you will make your home.
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