The squirrels have been foiled time and again with my wire bird feeder system. A squirrel is inventive, but our bird feeders allow our wild birds to feast in peace.
The squirrels have been foiled time and again with my wire bird feeder system. A squirrel is inventive, but our bird feeders allow our wild birds to feast in peace.
Outsmarting squirrels at bird feeders can be a full time job. Where there's a bird at a birdfeeder, there's a squirrel that will join them. A squirrel proof bird feeder is a challenge. Here are some options others have tried.
Outdoor handball court walls can be made from either concrete blocks or poured concrete. Poured concrete may be harder to work with and more expensive. The wall needs to be designed by an engineer because it can blow over easily in high winds.
Exterior home design is important to the look, the running and the future of your home. Custom design of your home should include porches and deep overhangs for inclement weather. Driveways should have conduit piping underneath them for future electrical installation outdoors such as lighting or invisible fencing. Add beautiful features on your roof such as turbine vents and chimney caps.
Privacy outdoors is minimal in the backyards of homes at some of the new subdivisions. Privacy can be gained with long lasting building materials for a privacy fence, privacy screen, privacy trellis or a mix. Outdoor living need no longer feel like being a fish in a crystal-clear fishbowl if you go out in your yard.
A landscape design that incorporates rocks, mulch, gravel, plants and inspiring landscape art will minimize your work. Yard work can also be lightened by filling your landscape with rock gardens, and the results will dazzle, too.
Handicap accessibility for your loved one with special needs requires planning. Handicap ramps should meet the needs of the individual. Building handicap ramps requires a little bit of your high school math. To build a proper ramp for people who are physically challenged, you may want to exceed minimum standards for ramps to make the ramp easier to navigate at your home.
Landscape edging of granite cobblestones will keep grass at bay and make a crisp lawn edging at sidewalks and driveways. Garden edging saves work. Edging of stone will keep your gravel and grass from socializing.
Brick barbeques in the backyard are an American favorite. Instead of barbeque grills that rust, here is a no mortar brick barbeque to build for people who love to cook out.
A trellis or arbor can make a big difference in your garden. Arbors or a garden trellis add visual joy and charm as garden structures. Seeing garden arbors and trellises covered with beautiful flowering vines or roses will make you want to enjoy them in your home garden as well.
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