Play sets, swing sets, a playhouse, play forts,- all a kid's activity center come true! Build children's play sets or an activity center with these tips.
Play sets, swing sets, a playhouse, play forts,- all a kid's activity center come true! Build children's play sets or an activity center with these tips.
Building bridges to cross a stream, ditch, or ravine is a practical project. But building a bridge requires you know how high the water can get! Bridge construction is not as hard as you may think, and garden bridges in your backyard can be enchanting.
My squirrel proof birdfeeders stump the squirrels every time. Birds are able to feed in peace. And the squirrels give us quite a show at the bird feeders.
Hanging a hammock is simple but requires care. Enjoy the hammock experience by using correct hardware so that it never detaches itself from the trees. Hammock stands can eliminate the need for trees, concrete, hardware and posts.
Outdoor rooms create extra living space. Decks, a patio, an outdoor living room, garden rooms - even outdoor kitchens are possible. An outdoor room helps families who've outgrown their homes with additional outdoor living space to enjoy.
An arbors is a lovely sun shade for dining or relaxing. These garden arbors/patio shades are stylish, simple shade shelters. Building an elegant, yet simple garden arbor will add lots of character to the average patio or backyard.
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