Concrete floor repair begins with the preparation. Before you mix any patching material, first make sure your concrete repair job doesn't involve any tapered edges to the patch area. Follow instructions for mixing the patching material and be sure to wet the cracked surface if you aren't using a bonding agent. The best time for concrete repairs is to apply when the weather is cloudy and damp, and 55 degrees F. Follow these tips for concrete patching success.
There are many steps to laying a concrete overlay. The following article will walk you through the prep period to the cleaning up period. It is important to remember to have the correct materials including Portland cement, fine and coarse sand and pea gravel. Work in sections and be sure to spray the surface with a curing compound (or cover with plastic) when its finished.
The most common problem with concrete drives, sidewalks and patios is surface spalling. The upper wear surface simply flakes off. The attractive surface is now replaced with bumpy aggregate. This can be repaired by adding a concrete overlay. Adhesion is the key to installing a new concrete overlay, as well as the thickness you choose to apply.
Concrete is probably one of the most abused construction materials that I am aware of. It is treated with very little respect by many of the people who install it. The problem, I believe, is the fact that a huge percentage of the individuals who work with this wonderful construction product do not realize that it is a very technical building material.
Water can be concrete's worst enemy as it is being placed or finished. However, after concrete has been properly placed and finished, it is extremely critical that the moist concrete be cured. There are several ways to ensure that your concrete remains moist, and curing compounds are the key. To defend against freezing/thawing water damage that occurs in concrete, consider applying a sealant.
I intend to write a book about concrete; the subject fascinates me. However, in the meantime, read as much as you can about this wonderful material. Consider obtaining as many publications as possible from the Portland Cement Association and the American Concrete Institute. Also, check out the following list of manufacturers of concrete curing compounds and sealants for your next job.
The following publications are excellent source materials for facts about how concrete should be mixed, placed, finished and cured. All of these things must be done properly to ensure that your concrete will be durable and long lasting. While the ingredients in concrete are common - sand, gravel and water - many people don't realize that cement is crucial for making durable concrete.
Installing concrete to achieve long lasting, high quality results depends on many things. Some of the most important aspects are often overlooked, like its strength, application thickness, its cracks that form from shrinkage and the use of steel reinforcements. Understanding these components will lead to better results.
Concrete sealants are sold at many places. You can generally find them at building supply stores, hardware stores, etc. Shop around and read the product labels completely to see if the product will suit your needs.
Concrete is a very magnificent material. As you know, you can form it into almost any shape, you can apply many different finishes to it, you can stamp it with patterns, etc. Concrete has its strengths and weaknesses. You must minimize its weaknesses in order to maximize its useful life. There are several inexpensive yet effective ways to do this.