Downspouts and gutters will collect and send out hundreds of gallons of water during a storm. Splash blocks only serve as a way to absorb and spread the energy of the falling water. Drain lines of durable 4 inch diameter plastic can capture and move the water to a better place on your lot. Read my column for more tips.
Garage plans are essential to your new home creation. Your garage will receive much use in a variety of ways. Most garages have far too little space, inadequate garage doors and little if any garage storage area. Planning your perfect garage with the ample space you will need will save you years of discontent.
Concrete driveways, walks and patios can be a source of complaint from homeowners. Concrete that will remain in shape for years needs great strength, the right amount of water, proper curing, control joints and installation during optimal weather.
Metal flashings cannot be replaced by a caulk in order to prevent roof leaks. The caulk can pull away from the surface due to expansion and contraction of materials, while metal flashings act as shingles to repel water when installed correctly.
Geology Homeschool Tips - From a Real Geologist My college degree from the University of Cincinnati was in geology. I loved everything about it. Here's a colorful geology map of eastern Cincinnati, Ohio. Why is Geology Important to a Homeowner? Your house is built on soil or directly on rock. You need to be aware […]
Privacy outdoors is minimal in the backyards of homes at some of the new subdivisions. Privacy can be gained with long lasting building materials for a privacy fence, privacy screen, privacy trellis or a mix. Outdoor living need no longer feel like being a fish in a crystal-clear fishbowl if you go out in your yard.
Decks that need piers or footings must have them installed below the frost line. This will keep the piers from heaving up out of the ground from the strength of the freeze. Reinforcing steel will help keep the piers from cracking.
A landscape design that incorporates rocks, mulch, gravel, plants and inspiring landscape art will minimize your work. Yard work can also be lightened by filling your landscape with rock gardens, and the results will dazzle, too.
Wood decks look great after they have been cleaned. Now wooden decks can be sealed with a clear epoxy sealer that does not let the wood turn gray. This synthetic resin sealer has no oils to allow algae and mildew to feed and grow on.