Garage door springs do most of the work of lifting your garage door. You, or your garage door opener give the springs the start they need to do the work. Garage door springs should never be adjusted by anyone other than a knowledgeable professional. Keep your door and springs in good working order.
For wood siding, there are four kinds of galvanized siding nails you can consider: mechanical plated, hot-galvanizing, electroplated and hot dipped. But near an ocean, the best exterior nail is stainless steel.
Cedar siding is a wonderful siding. Cedar siding stains are unwelcome guests. These are extractive bleeding stains caused by water leaking behind your siding and depositing natural chemicals. To prevent this, prime the wood with oil-based paint or special water-based primers that block the stains.
Stone veneer gives you the look of real stone if you can afford it. But manufactured stone veneers can be purchased that will fool even the best geologist! This artificial stone is lighter in weight, and will adhere with no foundation support. Just use mortar for stone veneer installation on many different surfaces.
Negative slope causes a majority of basement or crawlspace drainage problems. Having landscaping work done on a home can cause drainage problems around your house. Try installing a linear French drain to trap and pipe water before it gets inside your house.
Asphalt driveways will lose their flexibility if not properly sealed. Flexibility helps asphalt driveways to resist cracking. Asphalt sealers need to be applied within the first year and then whenever the blacktop begins to wear.
You must clean and seal treated lumber. Oxygen bleach is a great, non-toxic cleaner. Seal with a penetrating water repellent. Make sure it has synthetic oils and resins. Algae and mildew will return to feed on a film forming sealer.
Cedar shake roofs are popular for many reasons. They create such a distinct look that asphalt shingles and metal roof manufactures have entire product lines that try to mimic wood. But wood roofs need maintenance and the help of chemicals to keep them healthy.
Concrete repair needs a cool day, good patching material or adhesives and a well prepared area. Make sure your concrete patch does not have its water pulled out by the older concrete, the wind or the sun. Look for the words "acrylic", "vinyl" or "gypsum cement" on your patching material label. They ensure better adhesion to older cement.
Roof algae stains occur on asphalt shingle roofs, usually on the north side. The roof algae starts as dots, then takes a cone shape and can eventually cover your entire roof! Introduce copper or zinc strips to kill roof algae You can also use Oxygen Bleach.